S&W Russian, Schofield and then some


New member
Would you help concider these items? Iv been dreaming of getting myself a Schofield or Russian since I was a little kid.... Stumbled over a guy that got bouth of them. For sale!!..

I havent been able to see them with my own eyes yet, just these pics




What would you say they are wourth?

The Russian is a German one. Made by Ludwig Loewe with the cyrrilic writing on the barrel. Grips are not original. Lost in time somewhere....

The third item I would like to have an opinion on is a Springfield Trapdoor...




Havent seen this yet either. Seller claims that the barrel is good. Action too. I would like to have one of these for the long range BP competitions.

Any advice or opinions are welcome...
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Unless you are looking for collectable firearms, I would recommend looking at replicas. Uberti makes copies of the S&W #3 revolvers, and H&R made replicas of the 1873 Springfields.
There is a member of the forum that uses an original 1878 Springfield. I would be very cautious about buying one without looking it over for that purpose.

The Russian and Schofield do not look like they are in shootable condition.

Check prices at www.gunbrocker.com to get an idea of prices.

As Scorch says, if you intend to shoot these guns it's probably a better idea to get replicas.
Ill check prices on Gunbroker allright.... I know, Uberti makes fine replicas. Its just that we got classes for original BP weapons. I could live with shooting the replica class only, but you know.... an original is an original.