S&W revolver reference books?


New member
Can anyone recommend what they regard as the best few books on S&W revolver history, model production years/changes, etc? Are there any definitive book(s)?
Is there a best way to age date by serial number?
The primary primer

The most recognised book about the Smiths is written by their own historian, Roy G. Jinks. "HISTORY OF SMITH AND WESSON" Beinfeld Publishing, Inc. My book is a 1980 printing of the 1977 book. Might be out there now in a revised edition with newer stuff in it. I got mine used at a gunshow. Hardback, 290 pages. Fine if you are looking at older guns but you might find another reference book that has more from the last 25 years, unless this one has been updated and is still for sale. Thought I saw a big paperback type book at a gunshow but I cannot recall a title or anything. Some data on dating the guns in the Jinks book but you can call the factory and they will date them for you. Mr. Jinks himself dated one for me a few years ago. Suprised when they transferred my call to him.
THE reference is "The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson" by Jim Supica.

This covers the history and production of all S&W firearms, and covers changes and production ranges.

For the purely mechanical aspects of S&W revolvers, "The S&W Revolver: A Shop Manual" by Jerry Kuhnhausen is a gunsmith's reference covering EVERYTHING known about the mechanics and gunsmithing of S&W revolvers.

It has so much info on the S&W, that I consider it necessary equipment for a S&W owner, even if you never intend to disassemble it.
Just being able to determine IF there's something wrong with a S&W revolver is worth the price.