S&w revolver at gander


New member
Ohhhhh man today i was getting night sights on my rugar sp101 and from earlier in the day till i came back they had a PILE of new "used" guns in. One was a (cant remember the model) but a like new 2 inch hammerless black matte s&w 38 special +p. $299 bucks. Oh manon man if i wasnt limited by the wife to a very strict 2 handgun limit it would have been mine!!!! It looked like it could have been on the new rack!
Another was a pretty good consition ruger security six (i think that was the model) 357 4 inch for 349 with the big wood grips. Would have liked both of them!
Haha oh trust me im debating that. I didnt take it out of the case but just from 5 minutes of staring at the smith, man it was perfect. 299 seams like a STEAL! If it was357 i wouldnt hesitate. But carry i only use 38+p anyways so as a 3rd gun it might work perfect. MANNNNNNN!!! I need more input!
Did it look like this?

If so, it is a S&W 442.

Go buy it...if it is not gone.



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^ $300 for that used? you can buy it new $400, if it's a self defense gun I wouldn't trust it used. Only new guns.
Looked like it but i was looking at the other side.

Used vs new on self defense i agree, but if the used one shoots as good as you could ask it to and works flawlessly, then there really is no difference.

Well see. Other option is a 22. I would really like a ultracheap shooter to practice with and small game hunt some. Wondering if even with a good deal i should wait And find a 22 i like (revolver) also. Flip open cylinders for loading and wish i could get 2 one long barrel one short. But either at the right price would work. 22 short barrel would trail well to what i have and long would be better for rabbits grouse squirres. Hmmm... Just hard to find what you eant these days and keep it under 300!
Since i have a taurus 650 2 inch hammerless, and a 3 inch ruger sp101 both 357/38, thos one would mayvh right in with those 2.

But a 22 would provide that small game and cheap practice i could use.

3 is literally absoluty all i can have so hmmmmm.....
if it's a self defense gun I wouldn't trust it used. Only new guns.

A used gun is no different than a new gun, in the sense that both need to be function tested before being put into a carry rotation or for home defense. If it passes it's good to go regardless of being new or used.
But a 22 would provide that small game and cheap practice i could use.

Getting a .22 will be the best thing you can do. Provides hours of cheap, fun shooting.

Oh manon man if i wasnt limited by the wife to a very strict 2 handgun limit it would have been mine!!!!

3 is literally absolutely all i can have so hmmmmm.....

ehhh, she will eventually get over it. A couple of days of her bugging you about getting another pistol is worth it IMO.

I always say that just because two people are married or in a relationship does not give either one the right to forbid the other from doing something as long as you are not hurting your significant other. Obviously if you getting another gun right now means you cant pay bills or put food on the table then don't do it. But if the only reason she doesn't want you to have more than two handguns is just because she doesn't want you to have more than two handguns then that's absolutely not fair to you. Would you honestly forbid her or limit her from collecting or partaking in a hobby that she enjoys? Sit down and explain to her that shooting is really something you enjoy and that you would like to own a few more guns.
I think in her mind she didnt like 1, and wasnt happy bout 2 so that is the limit. She partakes in my bowhunting and many other things but hates hanguns and are new to her (trust me im workin on this part). So for now 2 is what she feels she can be comfortable with. I know i can stretch that to 3 so forthe forseable future that is it. 1 more. Also with our first baby on the way in june, 2 in her mind is just enough to physically have around and for money.

Well 3 is plenty dooable. Really leaning to a 22 revolver and under 300 new or used. I like that smith but in all honestly a 22 is what i need. Mow just to find one locally. Nive taurus tracker for somewhere around 450 just not sure how to talk um down.

New haratige would fit the bill but not sure how the would. It MUSY open the cylinders like my other two, and have DA and SA.
$300 for that used? you can buy it new $400, if it's a self defense gun I wouldn't trust it used. Only new guns.

Good plan. One less person in my way at the used counter. You keep on thinking like that. Spread the word. ;)
For Gander Mountain....that's a good price. My LGS sells new 442s for $349. Right now they're hard to get. If it looks almost new, it's probably because the little airweights are a handful with +p loads and the previous owner didn't like the recoil as opposed to a major problem with it functioning.
Good plan. One less person in my way at the used counter. You keep on thinking like that. Spread the word.

Agreed! Though I'm not carrying it at the moment, I most frequently rely on a S&W Model 19-2 that is about 48 years old. Works perfectly. For home protection I have an Inland M-1 Carbine with a barrel and receiver that are almost 70 years old. With good mags, it runs flawlessly.
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