S&W model 952


New member
Does anyone have any experience with this model from S&W? Sure is a fine looking piece. Very traditional looking, nice full-size, 9mm, single stack auto. Saw it on the Performance Center web page.

What kind of reputation does it have, accuracy wise, reliability wise. Sure is a looker.

What does something like that run for? Any guesses?
A friend has one and loves it -- and he has many other quality guns. His only complaint is the slide-mounted safety, which is awkward to release, quickly. He bought it to shoot in IDPA competition, but he seems to use his Performance Center 5906 more often...

The 952 is an updated version of the Model 52, which is a wonderful gun. The 952 is 9mm and the 52 is .38 special.
I have a Model 52 and it is one of the most accurate handguns you can buy. (My SIG P-210 is right there with it, though.)
There is a write-up in the latest G&A, IIRC, or Handguns. I've fondled the piece, and I LIKE it, though not enough to compromise 'the stand' against Smith.(Even if it were at 1/3 the $$$$):)