S&W model 65?


New member
I have been thinking about trying to find one of these with 3" barrel as my do everything gun. Looking for your thoughts and impressions about this gun. Have always loved K-frame round butts and this seems like a good one!
My wife has the Lady Smith version with a 3" barrel. I love it more than she does. I just like 3" barrels a lot, 2.5 inch is too short and 4" is too long. Wish it had the rubber grips but she likes the wood so they will stay. If you can tolerate the "Lady Smith" name on the side of it and the satin finish, it's a perfect. I like it better than the regular model 65.
we used to carry the 4" m-13 (blued 65) before we switched to our sigs. i purchased mine and had the barrel cut to 3" and the butt rounded.

accurate and nice enough to go full-boat with a full DAO tune from the bill davis shop (same as my PPC gun), "fastback hammer", polish and rounded trigger face and dehorn cylinder release

very nice ccw gun with a ejector rod long enough to punch out magnum cases. kept it until a co-worker talked me out of it in a trade for a m-696...i like those 3" guns.
I have to side with alamo. The LS would be my choice if I wanted the 3" bbl. with fixed sights. You get the benefit of a fully shrouded ejector rod. There is also supposed to be some action work on it, right from the factory. I have had a 3" M13(nickle), and I do miss selling it. There's just something about those 3" bbls..:)

What do you think about the 696? That was my other option for my do everything gun. I have read that you can't shoot bullets weighing more then 200 grains from them, does it say that in the manual? Something about 3 inch guns is calling my name!
My thoughts and impressions? I like it so much that I have two 3" S&W mod 65's along with two Alessi BSU holsters, one right handed, the other left handed.
There is nothing that says you can't use over 200 grain bullets in a 696. You are probably confused with the titanium models. These are the 296 and 396. The light weight of these models can cause heavy bullets to jump their crimp.
Well, I've waxed rhapsodic about the 3" m65 in my battery in another post, Biath. Lemme just reprise by saying that if I could only have 1 revo for CCW(shudder), the 3" m65 would be it.
What are the benefits of the shrouded ejector? Can anyone post a picture of the "lady smith" logo on the gun. Wonder if that can be removed at a later date? Thanks for the info guys, you have been great!
I had one. Bobbed the hammer so's I could carry it without it digging a hole in my side. It was a sweet shooting gun and regulated a little high at 15 feet. It's a great gun, but I'd rather have the adjustable sights, if I had it all to do over again. They offer a better sight picture for target shooting, if you ever intend on doing any serious amount of shooting. Otherwise, I liked it alot. I'd go for the GP-100 as the grip feels better in my hands and I like the way it handles and points. You might use the money you'll save on a good dehorning job and/or trigger job. Just my opinion here.

biathlonman - i like my 696 awhole lot. as stated earlier i believe the weigh restriction has to do with the airlite models and the heavy bullets jumping their crimp under recoil.

i got mine as part of a trade for my officer's acp. it came with a set of hardwood hogue grips and was mag-na-ported. it was dead-on at 25yds when i took it to the range. i was shooting CCI blaser .44spl gold dot jhp, recoil was about the same as .38 +p in my python...front sight never came off the target.

add a set of pachmyer compact grips i had in my closet, looking at getting a kramer scabbard, looking for speedloaders other than hks

i can highly recommend the 696 if you don't mind the 5-shot capacity
3" M-65

The three inch K frame guns with round butts are my favorite shooters. I have a M-13, M-65, and a lew horton M-66.

I have had some pretty and exotic wooden grips, but now it seems that they all have Packy concealables.

A local smith bobs the hammer, polishes the internals, and works on the trigger. On the fixed sight guns, I have him mill out about half the front sight looking back at the rear of the gun. This gives my aging eyes a more crisp front sight picture. I don't carry this weight gun anymore on a daily basis but don't go far from home without one in my vehicle.

My carry load is the Speer 125 gold dot.

For lot of young shooters make fun of us old fossells that still prefer a wheelguns, I'll leave you with one thought:

A revolver fires seven shots before any forensic evidence in scattered on the scene!

good shooting

I have a (almost) matched pair of 3" M-65s. One was modified to double-action only while the other is standard. Both shoot very well and I would not hesitate to depend upon them for self-defense. I use 158 gr +P LSWCHP.
