S&W model 53 22 cal has been cold blued


New member
I took my S&W model 53 to a dealer to test the waters in order to sell/trade. ( I mentioned this in a thread below). He told me that someone had attempted to cold blue the gun. According to him, a bad thing to do to the gun, making it undesirable to a collector. I couldn't really tell much difference in the finish until he pointed it out. He was not interested in the gun. I certainly have no intention of misrepresenting the condition of the gun should I decide to sell it online. What can I expect as far as a sale price? My objective is to acquire a S&W 357 with some help from the sale of the model 53. Thanks alot for helping a new guy.
If it was cold blued the the value has taken a big hit. The M53 is some what of a novelty gun. Depending on good of a cold blue job was done and if the inserts, box, and goodies are present then you may get around $400. Unfortunately since it is almost exclusively a collectors item you may have a hard time getting rid of it.
I kinda get the feeling you may be in over your head in trying to work with your local dealer.

For a fair appraisal contact Jim Supica or Richard Nahas at www.armchairgunshow.com

They will give you the straight scoop.

Good Luck...

If it really has been cold blued, then not many collectors are going to be interested in it. But you just have to shift your focus. I've been wanting to get a Model 53 for years but NOT to put it in the safe or to show off to friends. I want to get one to shoot. So people like me are what you are looking for. People that want a shooter rather than a safe queen!

What model of S&W .357 are you looking for?
