S&W Model 25 Mountain Gun in 45LC - Thumbs up?


New member
I saw another thread here with the S&W 25, and got a little curious about it. It looks a little like the newer 625, but with the 45LC chambering, doesn't need moon clips... hmmmmm :)

Has anyone owned one of these guys? How did you like it? Is it possible to get some kind of brighter front sight (e.g., red ramp)? How are the holster options? I did some looking and didn't find this gun very easily in holster lists... maybe it can be used in the same holster as a 625? :confused:
I've got a .45 ACP 625, a .45 Colt 625, a blued 25-5 in .45 Colt, and a blued 25 Mountain Gun in .45 Colt. The Mtn Guns use the thinner barrels, the 25-5 uses the heavier barrel. All fit the same holsters (four-inchers). When you look for holsters, the N-Frame Mountain Gun series will generally fit in anything made to go with a four-inch Model 27, 28, 29, etc., without a full underlug. Just look for N-Frame holsters, and you should come out OK.
You can have a gunsmith put a colored insert of your choice in the front blade, not a big deal.
I don't own the curret production model 25, but I have it;s older brother.
The front sight has been replaced. With a pinned blade the swap is pretty easy.


I've had their stainless cousin to the range the last two sessions. What a great shooter...


I have a 625 Mountain Gun in .45 Colt and it is turning into a favorite. As soon as I can get a holster made for it I'll put it in the carry rotation.
Just as a stupid aside, .45 auto-rim eliminates the need for Moon clips in the 625 .45acp guns.

and, for the record, I absolutely love the look of the 625MG in 45LC. Damn if that isn't just sex on wheel-guns...
I have 2 25's in 45LC

I have a good sized collection of N frame colts. but the 2 25's I have are two that no ammount of money will every take them away.
The 25 is what is coined the "Sundy go to meeting gun" (not that I carry a gun to church) there just so classy and wonderful to look at there like your best suit.
Yea there huge and dont have the power of a 29 but they shoot a huge bullet and will knock the eye of a nat out at 25 yards.
its just one of the best revolvers ever made! Buy it by all means.

biased view? yes, but then I am a big fan of .45 Colt and .45 acp Smith revolvers :)