S&W mod 49 question


New member
I just bought a S&W mod 49, in new condition.
Iwas wondering, are plusP loads safe to shoot in it? I have heard that
the older snubbies weren't designed for plusP loads.
The sn is 494xxx, anyone know how old it is?
It has the firing pin on the hammer, and is blue.
Open the cylinder and look on the inside of the crane. If it's just marked m-49, and not 49-2, 49-3 etc., then I would only use them sparingly. Smith does not care to say that the early guns are "+P-rated". Personally, I don't think a light diet over the years will hurt them, but others may have different experience.
Thanks for the heads up. it is marked M 49 only.
guess I'll save the plus P for the Mod 13-3