S&W J-frame help


New member
I took my Mdl 60 apart last night to learn more about the gun. I bought it used to be the base of a project.

When I put it back together the hand does not engage the cylinder. I did not see a spring where the hand is positioned on the trigger but the onlt schematic I could find was for a K frame and it shows a spring on the hand.

Is there a spring on the hand of a j-frame?

If so I lost the damn thing.

Thanks guys.
Unless the newer J frames have changed with the mim parts, the spring for the hand is located in the trigger. If you look at the hand, there are two pins. One is the pivot pin which in installed in the trigger and raises to engage the ejector star when the trigger is pulled to the rear. The other pin is a rest upon which the hand spring applies the necessary pressure.

Dissassemble the gun, pull the hand out and when you reinstall it, be sure that pin is hooked by the spring. You can test it by pulling the hand back. It should snap to the forward position if you did it right.

Repost if you need help.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I fixed it.

The problem was exactly like you described and so was the solution.

Thanks Gary.
AUG, I'm happy you got it fixed. Now tell us about the project that you have planned for it. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Sorry this took so long to respond and BTW I have been on Glocktalk for a good while and I am damn glad to see people here at TFL that don't give a sermon about customising(sic) a gun. No gun is perfect and most guns I have are tuned to enhance function and they are better tools for it.


I plan on learning and hopefully improving a great little revolver. here is what I want to do to it.......

Fabricate a front tritium insert(ashley big dot style) and round out the groove in the top strap...I will probably sub this job out to a real smith

Bob the hammer and remove the SA cocking notch

polish and radius the trigger

and finnally carve a set of custom grips (one piece boot style) from a gorgeous chunk of Dark Walnut that I have been saving for just that purpose.

Didn't think anyone would be interested but that is what I have in mind for the mdl 60.

Be safe guys