S & W - J Frame .38 Trigger Job?


New member
My bride is having trouble holding her J-Frame .38 on the bullseye while going through the full range of the double action trigger. She has a 642 hammerless Airweight model (recoil is as strong as my .45).
Anyway, I've gotten her a Full size Hogue grip to help control during recoil and 2nd shot, but now am wondering if a "trigger job" as the gunsmiths call it, will improve the pull pressure noticeably? Has anyone had a trigger job on one of these or similar? Any real improvement? She loves to shoot, but her trigger finger gets tired and sore....

I would guesstimate the pull from the factory at 15 lbs plus!

The J-frame triggers can be cleaned up some like all S&W trigger pulls. But be careful working with the mainspring (hammer spring). With a light hammer, a heavier spring is required for reliable functioning, so you can't do too much with that mainspring. You can try a Wolf kit and see if that works or have the gun worked on by a competent pistol smith. Anything you do or have done, though, test the gun thoroughly before depending on it for serious business.

Get her a heavier piece like an SP-101 for target shooting and keep the airweight the way it is....at least you know it will always fire....it's not meant to be a bullseye gun anyway....
a well done trigger job/action tune will make a very noticable difference. even if they don't touch a spring, the smoothness of correctly mated surfaces will make it feel like a new gun.

i had my 642 done a while back and now it is a real tack driver because i don't have to fight the trigger over the roughness anymore.

i just told him to "tune the trigger", but i've known him for a long time and he knows i'm carrying it as a BUG and off-duty. i don't know if he touched the springs or not, but the DA pull feels like about 8 lbs.
Couple of suggestions.

Lighter trigger return spring....leave the hammer spring alone. She should practice rapid fire to insure proper trigger finger release allowing the trigger to reset with the lighter spring.

"Fluff n Buff" may be warrented on that gun. If it is a little grindy during the long pull, smoothing out the contact surfaces will make it smoother and marginaly decrease the effort required. It will make it seem lighter tho. Do not mess with the sear surfaces.....just the other parts that rub, slide etc.

Dry fire, using each hand, to increase strength and maintaining sight picture through the double action pull.

I do not agree with practicing with one gun and depending on a different gun for defense.

If you can get the gun enjoyable to shoot, she will shoot it more and thusly become more proficient with it.

I did a wolff spring myself on my 342PD. It made a big difference. Then went to a local smith and looked an airlite he did an action job on. No change in springs just smoothed all surfaces. WOW, what a difference. He only charged 50.00 I think. And to think if you then added the wolff springs. Moral of the story- get a good quality smith to do the nasty. P.S.- also look for a pair of grips that covers the backstrap. CDNN investments has a pair with finger grooves for 3.99. Finally, shoot mild loads. Winchester makes a 125Gr. at 750 FPS. That is a comfortable load. Best of luck, Dave.
I replaced the rebound spring in my j frame, with the frame mounted firing pin, with an 11 pound Wolf. Made a big difference in the pull. I also got a Wolf 8lb. reduced tension hammer spring for it. Is it safe to use an 8lb. hammer spring for defense carry, or will it reduce reliability?
..but her trigger finger gets tired and sore....
If you do go the gunsmith route, hold off on any spring replacement until you sample his action work. It just may be all that you need. Also, consider having him install an original narrow factory trigger. If he doesn't have any, he should be able to mill the existing one down to the same width. The edges of that wide trigger dig into the flesh of the finger when firing DA, which your gun requires. Going to the narrow trigger makes a world of difference in my level of comfort. I've installed them in all of my Smiths that were not already so-equipped.:)
'ANY' J frame Smith-chambered for 38 special or 357mag---when fired with standard 38 special wadcutters -will clean the NRA B-27 target ---score 100 with 50X's.
That is a total of 50 rounds from the 7 yd line all the way back to the 50 yd line. Rapid fire, standing, left and right hand- baricade-prone and kneeling.
That is a true exercise in handgun practicality.
When you defend your life with you sidearm, as I have done, then you will appreciate the fact(s) that gunfights occur at distances greater than 7 yds....................
The action should be smoothed by a competitent gunsmith just like any other.
Do not use Wolff springs!!!!!!
Their integrity is not in the league of the ones which come from the factory in your revolver.
I have tested them.
They will not retain their operational abilites.
If you cannot afford to have your action done correctly then I will send you the money you would have wasted on the junk springs or send the gun to me and I will smooth it for you for free.
Do not think the gun is not super accurate---it is.
It was designed as a CCW -BUT- the accuracy is there as well.
A soft swaged hollowbased wadcutter seated upsidedown with a stiff charge of red dot powder is a good close range man stopper even from the 2or 3" gun.
Don Mallard
I'm with Don...for a must fire belly gun I'd keep the springs just the way they are...my 442 is a bit stiff but no problem putting them all in a man sized silouttte at 50 feet, rapid fire.....more than adequate for a belly gun...if you are shooting at more than 7 yards against advesaries with a 2", you should be putting even moe distance between you....
I with Don re the accuracy of the Js. And the usefullness of the HBWCs loaded backward. Great penetration and expansion when loaded a tad stiff.

I have to chip in with my agreement on the accuracy of the

My 337PD is as accurate as my TRP out to 25 yds.
I can make head shots at 25 yds with it.

However, shooting +P JHPs through it is not something I enjoy!
Recoil is nasty!

My ever-humble, usually mis-informed .02>:)

I agree with the accuracy statements.

I haven't tried rapid fire (range does not allow that), but I can put all five in the head of the targe at 25 yards with my wife's (well, now it's mine cause she don't like it) J Frame .38.

We had the trigger job and it is much easier to hold on target thru the DA pull.

Amazing accuracy for a snubbie.

It is to be one of my carry weapons once my license arrives.....
