S&W is going the way of H&K.

These litigations have a chilling affect on businesses---I think the only solution is a supreme ct decision.......and who knows how that will go....fubsy.
Smith & Wesson has been for sale for a while now, no big news here. I am really getting the feeling that both sides are playing head games with us. The Anti's wanting to get that "we are winning feeling" and rubbing it in our faces. The gun companies playing with our fears, getting us to purchase guns at a more aggressive rate. More expensive too. Something smells here! Reality check, developed nations cannot survive without small arms. Small arms cannot survive without consumer sales. Without consumer sales most companies would close. No company can survive just selling to the government. If all the companies consolidate, thinking power dies (the innovations), thus superiority dies with it. Don't panick, concentrate on the law. The law of the land that is, our 2nd Amendment rights. The Anti's are trying to rattle us loose, make up spread our resources around. Gun companies are more interested in profits and are not going to help us. Stay focused!


[This message has been edited by Robert the41MagFan (edited January 02, 2000).]
Hello; I agree with my friend Robert. There
is a lot of hype being passed on to the consumer from both sides; maybe to stir
interest in the economy? I don't think
I am going to rush out and make foolish
purchase's, based on this information.
After many years of buying, selling, and
trading; I now have retained some of the
most desirable handguns on this earth. So,
my message to everyone is to sit tight and
make the manufacturer's come to us. Maybe
we can cause a market stir, and they will
frantically dump their product at a reasonable price. Who knows?

Best Wishes To All,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 01-02-2000
Hey guys, have you looked at Colt's offerings for next year? Didn't they just buy H&K? Whutz up with that? I thought they were going under again? Could it be they are doing it to avoid litigation in the US by moving operations overseas? Hey I'm no lawyer. Just a thought. They might be seeking the protection of a foreign government who understands the importance of a strong arms industry and would be willing to protect those interests with their considerable international and national influence. Kind of like big tobacco is moving overseas. Maybe I'm dilusional or paranoid.... that hair on the back of my neck....probably nothing.
This sale is not an S&W "disaster", but rather the conglomerate parent company is paring down. It seems that each decade business has some fad trend. In the 80s conglomerates with diverse products were big, but through the 90s these have been falling apart and the parent company settling on a "core" competence. This happened to my employer, Xerox, as they purchase and then sold of insurance companies. The result of the sale will be the interesting item--more or less quality, technology, consumer support, etc.
There is no doubt in my mind that some gun companies (and dealers) are using the anti-gun hype to mark up prices and increase profits. This will only work if the gun buying public is suckered in to buy at exorbitant prices. I am not rushing out to buy an H&K gun, AR15 or any gun where hype is ruling the price. The only way to defeat price gouging is to boycott.