S&W is dying


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Date: 14 Jul 2000 23:51:06 -0000
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Subject: $50 rebate handgun promotion

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Starting Saturday 7/15/00 and through 8/31/00 Smith & Wesson is offering a
$50 rebate on ANY model purchased. For details go to our NEW HANDGUNS page.

For those of you who are not interested in purchasing S&W products we have
a nice selection of Walther P99's and some Mass. compliant Sig Sauer
pistols in stock to choose from.

We hope that you are all having a great summer.



Factory closing for a month. Now this.

They did it to themselves.

Go see "The Patriot" again. The evil Brit is named Tompkins, I think.

POOR S&W..... good riddance to the Brit Bastards that own it!

Yes !!! the PATRIOT IS VERY GOOD ... the Brit is the infamous Tarleton the Butcher!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
If Smith and Wesson goes under, the buildings will still be there. The tooling will still be there. The employees will need jobs. Anybody want to start a gun company?

If another company were to take over S&W, would the agreement be "valid" still? Could it still be called Smith and Wesson?
I imagine if someone buys the S&W corporation, for its famouous name and contact, they will be buying all its liabilities as well. If the corporation is desolved and its assets sold at auction, I imagine that it would be very hard to make the multiple buyers go by the agreement.
I was thinking along the same lines. In addition, if someone started up an entirely new gun mfg. plant, they would not be liable under the present lawsuits! And they couldn't be sued until someone got hurt with one, I would think. (Haven't thought it thru yet).
Does anyone want to start a cigarette factory, too?
Naw, the fun thing to do would be to form
what the liberals love to talk about, but deeply fear actually doing,

, , , a co-op.

A Co-operative Weapons manufacturing facility.

Imagine it if you will.

I'd join.

Take my next vacation up there and spend
a few weeks on the line.

Kinda like the Harley Davidson people buying their plant and name back from AMF. Some insiders with bucks and also a lot of outsiders with the right attitude.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
Let S&W die a slow death of the Drizzling S#%@s they deserve it.

I like the co-op idea, without the S&W name. With over 6,000 FL members,it could happen, call it FLM.( Firing Line Members )

Think about it.
Not so good, Sad. As Ive posted in other threads, there was a time when "Smith and Wesson" was spoken in tones of bad ass reverence and we are not richer for the loss of that company. The good part is that it may serve as a symbolic reminder to turncoats of the price to be paid when you forget your loyalties. I'm still trying to buy my first Model 19 back from my Dad. It was my first gun, I can remember the security I felt with that piece in my boarding room in the city.
Smith & Wessons demise is a foretelling of what will continue to occur if people don't wake up.
S&W will continue to suffer the consequences of its owner's decision to cave. At some point its business will tank and its owners will drop its asking price to the point someone will bite. The name will survive, production equipment will survive, some if not most, of the employees will survive. Business weather bad times.

I think the S&W name can survive and will be rehabilitated under new management. S&W was the focus of extortion by Clinton and CO. The federales threatened to sue S&W for an amount greater than the value of Tompkins(?) holdings. In other words the federales threatened to pull down S&W and its parent company. The best "business" decision was made.

I won't purchase a S&W product no matter what or how much. That is the consequence of their decision regardless of the reason. Will I purchase a product in the future?? Oh yea! when ownership changes hands, managment is changed, and they participate in legal action to overturn the "agreement" S&W signed.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964
Zensho is right. Rejoicing over the demise of S&W is like clapping if a rodent gnaws a hole in the hull of the USS Constitution. A rat causing an American institution to go bellyup is no cause for celebration. Whether the rat is Thompkins or Schultz, I'm sorry to see them go.

But not so sorry I want to see them stay.
"a rat gnawing a hole in the hull of the Constitution..."

Nope. Don't agree at all.

The USS Constitution never sold us out.

What Smith & Wesson WAS and what it now IS are two very different things. In that sense, it is much like a person who has lost their mind due to Alzheimer's, and is no longer responsible for his or her actions.

I would MUCH rather see S&W shut down completely and remember its legacy of wonderful revolvers than watch its continued decay.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.

[This message has been edited by Mike Irwin (edited July 17, 2000).]