S&W IDPA Winter Nationals?


New member
Is anybody going to the match at S&W next week? We're going up on Thursday and stayiing til Sunday. Can't wait! Always great scenarios and run real well!
We are leaving Wed.night after work and driving part way.Going the rest of the way Thrus.We are Staying until Sunday.I shoot on Friday my Squad # is 2 my shooters number is 158 shooting CDP expert.Good Luck and I may run into you there.BILLG
We have just returned from the S&W Winter Nationals. The first thing I need to say is that the it was a great match and we want to thank everyone involved for their work in setting this event up. The stages were exceedingly challenging for all concerned; which is a testimony to the time the designers put into it. Also those who acted at Range Officers during the three days of shooting were as good and fair a group as you would like in a major match. Well-done S&W!

From Triton’s stand point the match couldn’t have went much better. Ernest Langdon, Triton’s Sales Manager and Team Captain, ended up winning the overall match in addition to Champion SSP Master and High Industry.

Dave Sevigny, even with some gun problems, took 2d SSP Master and 3d overall being edged out for 2d by Todd Jarret.

Jo Seuk not only placed 2d Sharpshooter SSP but also was advanced to Expert.

Bryce Linskey took 2d ESP Master and Al Greco took 3d ESP Sharpshooter right behind Doug Koenig.

It was a good showing for Team Triton.

Triton also would like to thank Massad Ayoob, Yoichi Ota and Team, Chris Edwards and Roger Zimmerman who all shot extremely well using Triton’s Hi-Master line of ammunition. Though I don’t have the results handy as I write this a few Members of Yoichi Ota’s contingent of Japanese Maritime Safety Agency personnel placed in their categories.

On a special note Roger Zimmerman of Action Shooters filmed Team Triton for future episodes that will be airing on The Outdoor Network. Fernando and Team Members were interviewed and Ernie did a walk-through explanation on how to handle a couple stages of the match and then shot those same stages under the clock. Roger says the episodes will air later on this year.

Pictures of the Team Members and other associates shooting the match will be available on our website shortly.

[Edited by TritonCartridge on 03-05-2001 at 05:39 PM]