S&W identification and value


New member
I found this Smith & Wesson .38spl +P on a local facebook guntrader page. The owner does not know the model. He wants $400 cash. What model is it and how much is it worth?

I don't know much about S&W, Im a Ruger guy but this revolver looks nice and if I can flip it and make money I will!

Looks like a model 64.

In my opinion, there isn't alot of room for you to make money on it at $400.

Buds Gunshop recently had police trade-in m64's for $369 shipped. Granted, this one you are looking at is almost sure to be less worn, but it's stainless.. How much can it wear to begin with??
If you were in Northern Virginia you could possibly grab it for $400 and make some money flipping it, but from what I know of the gun price scene in South Western Virginia, $400 is about top price.
Tell the owner all he has to do to determine what model it is is open the cylinder. Under the crane, the model number will be stamped on the frame. It will say something like MOD-64, or MOD-64-3, to denote the dash number. Obviously a relatively new gun since it has the modern cylinder retention boss on the frame, a lock, and a modern cylinder release latch.
Its a 64-8. He wants $475. I thought I could make a profit on it if I could get him down to $400. He wouldnt budge. Its a nice revolver but I didn't need it anyway.

Thanks for the responses!!!!
This fellow want's $475 for a run of the mill, non-vintage m64??? That's cool....

Bet he would hate to know what I paid for my 1971 m19-3 with 4"bbl in 97% condition less than 2 years ago... P&R K-frame perfection! :cool:
I bought a near mint pre-lock Model 64 police trade in last month for $299... I personally wouldn't buy that gun for $400 but if you did you would still be far from ripped off IMHO. They are great guns, even with the lock.
I offered $325 today and he made rude comments on the facebook thread. He is an ass. He could have just said "no thanks". He will not sell this gun at that price
Well, if he bought it new, he probably paid around 6 bills OTD for it and is being a little unrealistic in what he expects to get back out of it...MSRP on that model is $689, so you know you can get it at a real world price of around $550+tax.

Nothing wrong with that model at all. But it's nothing terribly special or collectible. It's not an old Smith, not a PC piece, not a magnum, and not blued. It's an average everyday stainless K-framed flat top 38. $400 would be the absolute most I would spend if I were buying for keeps.. He needs to remember, at not too much more than his firm price, a guy can get a brand new one with the warrantee.... The warrantee IS worth something.