What I'm referring to, is the fact that the first(Older style)of the S&W wood target grips, just had a depression on the left side of the grips, for a speed loader-but later, S&W made a complete cutout(Instead of just a depression in the wood!)and, my question is approximately what was the first year that S&W started offering this second style of their wood target grips(Either in regular gun production or as an optional accessory?)? In other words, I'm wanting to know this, so I can determine the earliest years of S&W K-frame revolvers, that could have had these later(Full cutout)target grips put on them, and still be the correct year vintage target grips to coincide with the years of these earlier years of revolvers? For example, on a 1971 year S&W K-frame, could these full cutout wood target grips have still have been correct for this revolver(Or, would only the wood target grips(With just the small depression(Instead of a full cutout?))be the only correct ones for this year(1971)? This would be true, only if the full cutout type wood target grips, were not available from S&W in 1971?