S&W Frame size

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New member
I've recently tried a S&W 586 L frame and it felt comfortable. The pad of my finger rested on the trigger and the tip of my finger extended past the trigger a little bit. I was wondering how much larger would an N frame revolver be? I am interested in the 625 revolver, but my range does not have one to try. Since I live in NYC I cannot touch guns at another range or gunshop. Any help would be appreciated.

Christopher Nemeth

The N frame is perceptibly larger than the L. For me personally, depending on the grip size, the various N frames may have too long a "reach" to the trigger.

There are several factors here. One is that, in the past, all the N frames were square butted and had either too big ("Target") stocks or too small ("magna") grips. Today they are all round butts and that helps me some, but the style of grip being used is still the most important thing. I think if you can handle and L frame, you can, with the proper set of grips handle the N. I don't know about the present configuration of the round butt of the N frame, but, in the past, I bought several revolvers which were N framed, but designated "K frame round butt." If that is the configuration they are using now, you will probably be okay, as the K and L butts are the same. Again, I think the secret lies in the proper grip selection, though the frame size will cause a slightly different reach. Many aftermarket grip configurations are available.

BTW, the "625" is the designation for the .45 calibers, both ACP and .45 Colt. If you are going for the .45 ACP version, I think that is a fine choice, since I seem to remember from your previous posts that this will be your first handgun. The .45 ACP cartridge is much more versatile in terms of factory ammo offerings than the .45 Colt (sometimes called "long Colt"). Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info, it helps alot. I am interested in the .45ACP model, i forgot that they also have a .45LC.
I have meaty fat short fingered hands and the N-frames fit well, I do believe in custom grips, and the cost varies depending on whose you use. I like herretts, but there are a bunch to choose from. The new round butted N-frames Ive purchased have come with a factory fingergroove grip which is quite good and a rubber hogue monogrip which is ok as well(if you like that grip, they can be had in wood),.....ive both the 44mag mountain revolver and the 45colt mountain revolver, I seriously need a good 625 in mountain gun configuration....If you decide to go with the 45acp caliber in the 625 you should consider getting an inexpensive tool to unclip the spent cases from the full/half moom clips--the use of the tool will lessen the likely hood of bending the clips, and buy plenty, there cheap and done properly a quick reload...........after this Ive got this urge to go and buy another durn pistol...sheesh....either way you go you cant go wrong...fubsy.
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