S&W side plate removal
There's not anything in there that will jump out at you from a spring loaded condition. There is a little transfer bar underneath the side plate that will fall out if you're not careful.
What you need to be most aware of at this point is how to remove the side plate without damaging it or the frame.
1. Remove the grips. Make sure that the screwdriver you use fits the screws nice and snuggly without hanging over the sides of the screw head. This applies to all of the screws that you will deal with.
2. Remove the 3 screws on the side plate and set them aside. Notice that the screw that is closest to the barrel is longer than the rest of them and is turned down with a dog type point. This screw also holds the cylinder and cyl/yoke in the frame.
3. With the 3 screws removed, you can now remove the cylinder and yoke and set them to the side. You will find later taht the yoke can be easily removed from the cylinder for cleaning and lubing.
4. The side plate can now be removed. Hold the frame by the top strap with the side plate facing up and tap lightly with a small wooden hammer handle on the lower half of the grip frame, tapping the frame away from the side plate. Keep one finger on the side plate so it doesn't fall off and ding the edges. Do not use any kind of tool for prying the side plate. The edges can be easily damaged. There is a small "finger" of sorts on the under side of the side plate that engages the frame at the upper most edge of the side plate. This will disengage and allow complete removal of the side plate as soon as the rest of it is clear of the frame.
This is as far as I will go at this point on disassembling an S&W. At this stage, you will have reasonably good access tho the internal parts for inspection, cleaning, and lubricating. Reverse the order to reassemble.