S&W " Coke Bottle" N frame grips - value ?


New member
Saw a revolver on sale Sat at local gunshow....seller wanted $ 800 for a model 57-1 ( .41 Mag ), Sq Butt, blued in 4" , with original coke bottle stocks on it.....gun was in Good condition, not excellent, I didn't want the gun--- I tried to buy the grips for $200...but he said no.../ he just didn't want to sell grips without the gun...so had to respect that..../ others had asked too probably...

I collect and shoot a lot of N frames ....27's 28's 29's.....627's and 629's....( .357 and .44 Mag)....but .41 mag has never stirred my fancy..../ but if the model 57 had less handling and holster wear, I might have been more tempted.....but shortly after I left it a dealer - buyer stepped up and got it for $750 ....--- he told me his buddy will pay him $200 for grips...and he'll try and resell gun for $750...even though he'll have to keep it awhile.....he routinely brings at least a dozen nice s&w revolvers to show to sell.../ he wouldn't sell me grips either...

$500 is probably top value on that model 57 based on condition in my view....even if I had put some extra, standard S&W grips I had at home on it.../ but I thought $300 was too much for coke bottle grips...but maybe I am undervaluing it because I don’t like the .41 mag....

What are you guys seeing in your areas for prices on original " coke bottle S&W stocks" ....I know someone is making knock offs now -- but i'm holding out for originals....
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Haha, yer killin' me! :D In one post you called it a Model 57, a Model 51 and a Model 41! ;)

I know that many in the ballgame hate the idea of stocks getting split away from their original revolver. However... I am not in that game, so...
Ok, my bad, I corrected my typos....(auto correct kills me sometimes...:o..)

It was a model 57-1 in .41 Mag..../ my apology...! ...but happy to amuse you...:D
No, sorry...there are photo's online or in s&w standard collectors catalog.../ ...it's the old " coke bottle profile" and checkered with Diamond in a "Palm swell" that make them feel good. If that helps.../ but pictures don't help much...they feel different because the " coke bottle" shape gives you that palm swell.../ from rear you can see profile better but it's subtle.

S&W catalog, 4th edition published in 2016 ...puts value for Good at $200 & excellent at $300...and says they were used from 1955 to 1968.......and book says checkered version was standard on early .44 mag ..and common on model 57's...made in plain & checkered..Rosewood is common ( ones I saw were rosewood)..some made in Goncalvo Aves (typical light brown ..) ...and apparently some walnut. Book says K frame checkered is rare ).

Coke bottle stocks are desireable...just curious what you guys are seeing on prices.../ by the way, catalog puts model 57 value Fair $400 ....Good $600..Very good $750.../ gun I saw was between good and very good probably.. But in my area, in Northwest, any .41 mag just isn't very popular....
I know that many in the ballgame hate the idea of stocks getting split away from their original revolver. However... I am not in that game, so...

I know it is the buyer's gun, and he can do what he pleases with it, but put me down as one who hates the idea of separating the original stocks from a gun to sell them separately.
Without seeing the revolver It's hard to put a price on it, but the ones I've seen advertised are starting at $800.00. I don't blame the seller for refusing to sell the stocks alone specially at $200.00. Good condition Coke style grips are selling in the $400.00 + price range.
$ 400...wow.../ never would have thought that...( but that is why I asked ..) / I wasn't really after a price evaluation of the revolver...

I know noone can do that without photos.