S&W 910 Reassembly issues... ...


Go ahead. Laugh at me. The newbie who thought he was smarter than he actually was.

I bought my 910 used and easily learned how to field strip and clean.

After a few range trips I decided to give it a good clean and started taking it all apart. (Insert chorus of laughter)

So I set aside the slide and barrel and began with the frame.
I set down an old white t-shirt and began taking parts off.
I set them down in the order I took them off and was done with removal in about 15 minutes.

Some things to keep in mind as you read...
1. I have only owned the gun for 5-6 months.
2. I have only field stripped the gun 8-10 times.
3. Being a typical male, I didn't read the manual when taking things apart.

With everything stripped, I gave the frame and individual parts a good bit of elbow grease and old mil-spec rifle bore cleaner. (It's the only thing I have right now and it works, so shut it.)
It was extremely dirty (probably only field-stripped to clean it before selling), and it took a few minutes to clean out all the nooks and crannies.

Once I got it decently clean, I began the task of putting everything back together. (Insert loud and slightly obnoxious laughter here.)

I figured out how to reinstall the trigger assembly and began work on the hammer/disconnect/sear/safety levers assembly.

And that's when I knew, I'd ****'d up.

"It is always easier to take things apart than it is to put them back together"
-probably Confucius as he was taking apart a SW910.

I have three steel safety levers and the hammer assembly that are pinned together. A side plate connects that pin to the sear pin, and somewhere in there the disconnect is supposed to get installed in the gun.

If anyone has some knowledge they'd like to share, I'm all ears.

Otherwise it's off to my Gander Mtn buddy to buy (bribe) him some reloading stock, so that he can make the gun work again.
The 910 seams like a fairly straight forward auto loader. But I have not personally had the tiger group apart so I might be missing something. I would do a search on the S&W forum and post there if the search turns up nothing. You could also do a search for online S&W manuals that might have a parts break down that will help identify the problem.

Thanks, Dixie!

Chaz88... The simplicity was the reason I decided to make this the first gun I take apart. The trigger assembly wasn't an issue once I decided to think it through, but the hammer/sear was made to be a little more counter-intuitive than I was ready for.:D
Very seldom does the typical handgun require a complete strip down. A can of crudbuster sprayed in the works followed by a liberal application of compressed air has been quite enough for everything I own. Re-lube as needed, reassemble , and shoot away.
I learned decades ago that most things that look like they need to be taken apart--really don't.
IMHO, there is no shame in being "defeated" by those S&W pistols. They were simply not intended to be dis/re-assembled easily, which is the main reason the Army rejected them for the service pistol (as they had the S&W SA revolver a century earlier). The S&W's are fairly rugged, and decent pistols, but field takedown is just not in the cards. Shoot them, clean them in a gunk tank, shoot them, etc. But don't take them apart unless you know exactly what you are doing, and even then be careful to watch those tiny parts.


I bought it used and it isn't the prettiest gun in the world, so I knew it probably hadn't been deep cleaned before. I had just taken apart a revolver that my father had bought new a couple decades ago and never really cleaned, so I decided to take it apart. That was simpler than field stripping my Shield. So I decided to step it up. I'm one of those guys that likes to take things apart and get the knowledge out of it before I put back together. I doubt I will go the gun smithing route all the way, but a little knowledge never hurt anyone.

But trust me when I say, there is no way I will be doing anything other than field stripping my Shield to clean it. :D