S&W 686 Grips (backstrap)


Hey Folks,

I have an older '87 maybe, S&W 686, came with the goncalo alves wood grips. When I bought it the guy also sold it to me with a pair of rubber grips. I assume this has been addressed before, but grips change alot and so do people's opinions about what might be good for a situation.
I don't have the biggest hands, and I find the reach on the 686 comfortable. But the rubber grips I have don't cover the backstrap of the gun, and that is where I "feel" regular full house factory loads.
I was wondering if anyone with smaller to medium hands (the grip on an XD40 is about perfect for me (width wise, and reach to trigger), would be killer if they had a slight rubber coating on the checkered part of the grips, but for reference) that knows of some rubber grips I can put on the 686 that covers the backstrap w/o making them too fat or giving them too much of a reach for the trigger.
I don't mind a slight grip contour for the fingers, but I am not huge into big, contoured finger areas on grips.
I know there are lots of grips out there, but my local shops don't carry alot in stock, so maybe someone has some ideas. I am not crazy about the looks of the hogue(sp?) grips they put on current 686's, but maybe that is what I need?

I have a 686+ 4-incher that is probably my favorite gun. I hated the stock grips from the minute I picked up the gun, and started looking for a replacement. I saw a set in another thread from a company called Trausch


the site is a little hard to navigate, but the grips are inexpensive -- $32!!! -- and amazingly good. They feature a lip right at the top of the backstrap which helps keep the muzzle down when firing full-house loads, they're made of a nice soft rubber which covers the backstrap and makes it a pleasure to shoot even the hottest loads. I have small hands and they fit me perfectly.

The TJ93 is the right grip.

Good luck.
The only grip I am aware of for the 686 that covers the backstrap of the gun are the Pachmyars. There are several versions available but I caution you that these seem to work best for bigger hands.
I agree on the Pachmayrs. I put a pair of Compacs on my Model 19 that cover the backstrap. The difference in length is surprisingly noticeable but totally worth it for me. I can shoot anything out of it now in comfort while before even hot .38s were annoying.