S&W 686+ 3" price check


New member
Is $580 a good price? My dealer said it is a rare gun. He also has a 4" 686 plus for only $20 more.

What kind of recoil should I expect out of a 3" barrel?

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$580 is a great price, for your dealer. You can find NIB 686's with 4" or 2.5" barrels all day long on Auction Arms for $425 to $450. I'm not an expert but I don't think they make a 686 with a 3" barrel. It may be a bit more PC however to try and find a used one and not put any dollars in S&W's pocket. I'm not so sure I'd want to support dealers who support S&W either.

bullet placement is gun control
My dealer actually has 2 686+ 3 inch barrel guns sitting of the shelf for the last several months (ie before the settlement). They are currently running a sale I think
it was $410.00. If interested email me privately. I do not stand to profit from this just a coincidence.
Hi, the 686+ is a great gun. but I would just try find a used one with a 4 inch barrel. There are a lot of them in excellent condition (looking new, no scratches) for $300 or even less. Besides, you won't be putting money in S&W's pocket.
If you do buy a new onw, call S&W, and check if your dealer is a stocking dealer, if he/she is you can get a $50 rebate.

I just paid $399 + $12 (S&H) for a NIB 6" from a non-stocking dealer who is working on becoming a stocking dealer.
The 686+ with 3" barrel (yes it is actually 3" ~ ala the 696) IS NOT A RARE ITEM!

It was a catalog item last year, I believe.

Now, the 3" 686 standard (six shot) is a little less common as it was a special edition for RSR Distributors only.

I have one of the latter and it shoots quite well and balances better than the 4 inch. Two of my shooting buddies are already standing in line to buy it if I ever decide to sell.

I'd look around a bit longer if I were you.

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