S&W 642 for Ruger P-89 SS


New member
So I traded a buddy my really nice 642 for his SS P-89 in the box with 2 mags.
Gun is the de-cocker model in very good condition.
I thought it was fair.
On GB prices are all over the place $300 -$700. I figured 450 or so to be about right, and he threw in an old Ted Williams single shot 12ga. I'll get that next week.
Sounds like you did alright. You upgraded in power, practical accuracy, and firepower, but downgraded in concealabiliy. (You knew this of course)

Assuming you have another hot weather carry, I'd say you did great.
Those P89’s are nice, solid guns you probably could never wear out in your lifetime. Other than a little big and heavy for concealed carry, a far better and versatile gun then the 642.
I'd say with the addition of the shotgun it was a fair trade. Even without it I'd rather have a P-89 than a snub-nose revolver (I own 3 or 4 revolvers but I've never cared for them that much).

The Ruger P-series (especially the aluminum framed ones) are very much underrated.
The Ruger P series are seriously underrated. There was a rumor they actually won the trials but the Beretta 92 was picked for politics through State Dept. pressure.
I’ve owned several but never kept one. Have no use for anti personnel type pistols. They all functioned well and were accurate for their purpose.
If you are happy, then a handful of $ on TODAY's market is meaningless.

Personally never liked the Ruger centerfire semi auto pistol. They are mechanically sound, one often hears "built like tanks" and at a decent price point, but I've never liked them, a personal matter.

Did have some personal experience with a P-85 and it had a serious stacking issue with its DA trigger pull. Heard they fixed that, don't know about newer ones, but I suspect they did.

If you're happy with the trade, that's all that matters.
I have a real soft spot for Berettas, 2 92Fs and a 96, very sexy;)
I will say the dbl action trigger on this P89 is almost identical to my 3 Berettas, the single action pull not quite as nice. Even if it didn't have Ruger stamped on it most could tell it was a Ruger because of the way it's built. No beauty queen, but rugged and dependable.
Lately I have had a strong desire to acquire guns I foolishly traded away as a young man, many regrets here.:(
The Security Six, Trooper Mk III, Smith 659 are but a few on my list, that probably won't get filled but that's okay, I have too many as it is.
Most of todays offerings do very little for me, my tastes are for a different style and era of firearms.
There was a rumor they actually won the trials but the Beretta 92 was picked for politics through State Dept. pressure.
I'm not surprised. At the rumor, I mean.

Ruger didn't have a pistol ready in time for the trials where the M9 was picked.