S&W 629 V-Comp 4"- Shots fired! >>> Sans politics please...

Rainbow Six

New member
I made it to the range today with my new PC 629 V-Comp (a.k.a. "Baby Tank" per the girl that works in the shop that ordered it for me:D). I only put four cylinders (24rds) through it to sight it in. Given the small amount of rounds I fired, this is only intended as a basic "first impression" review of the gun but here's my take so far.

I used Georgia Arms "New Ammunition" 240gr Gold Dot .44magnum ammo for this trip to the range due to the price. For the record, GA ammo hasn't always been the most accurate for me but it is reasonably priced for practice and it shoots fairly clean. Also, I've never had an ammo failure using their stuff. All groups were "measured" only by the approx. 1" squares on the targets. No technical measurements. All shots were made with the comp in place.

I shot at 25 yards from a crude pile of 'bags (that kept falling over) two handed on the bench to try and get some kind of idea on the gun's accuracy, taking out the variable of my not so great at 25 yards shooting skills. The first group was around 7" mostly due to my crude bag set-up moving around/not steady and the fact that I had to develope a proper grip on the gun. The first six shots left the web of my hand stinging after each shot due to poor grip on the gun evidently. I changed my grip on the next 18 and there was no pain whatsoever.

I worked with the bags a little and changed my grip and shot a group just under 5" with the bags still moving around on me. No pain this time. A fair amount of muzzle jump, mind you, but no pain. Since the groups were consistently about 2-1/2" right of POA I borrowed a screwdriver and adjusted the sight to the left for the next group.

The third group went into around 4" and was pretty much centered to POA, again no pain. I got my grip worked out. For the last group I used a 6" Shoot-N-C decal on the target for more contrast and better aiming. I also got the bag arrangement to cooperate a little better by including my Ellet Bros rabbit ear bag that I use with my .308 rifle. With the bags still not as steady as I'd like to have had them I put the first 4 into about 2" before the bags gave up again. The last 2 went into 1", but were 3" left of the first four. I believe that I could have held them in 3" on the last group if I could have kept the bags still.

I know 24 rounds isn't even enough to heat the barrell good, but it appears to me that the gun is capable of being very accurate if I do my part. I also plan to try other loads and maybe even hand load for it eventually to find "what it likes". I feel that with some break-in and improving my grip further and getting a bag set-up that works I believe the gun is probably capable of sub 2" at 25 yards if not better "in my hands". It may be capable of more and hopefully I can develope my skills to take full advantage of what the gun will do. :)

My initial impression is that I will enjoy putting *LOTS* of rounds through this gun and improving my 25 yard (and maybe 50 yard eventually) skills. As for handling, once I figured out a good two hand grip the gun is sweet to shoot. It's a .44mag so it's gonna jump up and roar, but using proper grip I could probably go 75-100 rounds comfortably. However, I doubt that I could go that long without developing a flinch from the recoil of a big bore mag, to be honest. I love shooting them but I think there's a cutoff point with a heavy hitter and beyond that, it gets counter productive.

For the record, this is the first .44 Magnum I have ever owned. Man, this thing rocks! I definitely have a learning curve to tackle as far as controlling the gun and grip as well as follow through (not blinking/flinching). At frst, I was ashamed that I didn't group better with it but all things considered I don't think I really done that bad. I think this 'lil monster is gonna take some time to master. But hey, that just means that I can justify (to myself, not married) more range time and practice ammo!!!

Now, I must go and seek reloading equipment and supplies so I don't go broke shooting this thing! Also, reloading was so much fun for the rifle! I miss doing it. Anyone know a good source for buying reloading equipment and supplies? I had an RCBS press that I used for loading .223 for benchrest at one time and liked it, so I'll probably go with that brand. Any tips would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone owns a V-COMP and knows of a factory load that it particularly likes (accuracy) please let me know what it is so I can try it.

Using 210gr jacketed bullet of my own manufature and an Optima2000, I had no problem keeping all six rounds in 3/4inch @ 25yrds off the bench.

I'm not as successful with cast. Try any of the Hornady Custom and I'd bet you will do well.

Of course part of this is getting used to the gun. Since it is your first 44 you probably will take a few weeks getting used to it but I assure you that mine is accurate as my FA and DW.

You should lightening the trigger a little too

Txs. for the info, I'll look forward to shooting mine in 3 inch tomorrow.

FWIW, my 625 V-Comp will pop a coffee can at 100
yards 4/5 of 6 when I'm up to it. I'm sure the .44MAG will do the same. SHOOTING TIMES 2000 had a report on the V-Comp. The writer did 2.4 inches
at 50 yards with 300 grain Federal Core Cast which
were running at 1143 fps. If I remember correctly
the Core Cast is not as accurate as some handloads
I have used in the past.BEST Groups...dewey