S&W 625 or the Mickluk PC 625


New member
which one do you think is better ???

The PC version is more expensive but it looks to be the better Gun.....

Lend me your Opinions, get the Reguler 5" with Full Lug or should I get the jerry mickluk 5.25" that has the Nicer styling. ??
Isn't this a cost issue? I assume that after any revolver has had a competent 'smith go over it, better quality will ensue. That is the point, right? Better timing, chamfered chambers, tighter groups.
You get a lot of bang for the buck from the Performance Center, but since late last year the mechanics (trigger!) have been less than acceptable (they have been Clintonized!). So all your 300 extra dollars are buying you is "the look". The standard 625 is already a extremely accurate gun and can't see the gun becoming even more accurate due to any modification. The Jerry Mickluk 625 is said to have deeper lands and grooves and obviously the distance from the bullet to the forcing cone has been shortened. Both these modifications will technically increase accuracy. By how much?

All these Performance Center guns have been in very short supply for the demand and with S&W's pending sale, the future of the Performance Center is in question. If a dealer/distributor does not have the stock, I would not buy. You maybe waiting a very long time for a firearm that may never be.

You should buy the one that makes you happiest, but of course that’s not the answer you were looking for.
Irregardless of the unwelcome and unintelligent advice from a hypocritical Ruger reccomending *******, I would suggest getting a standard 625 and then having a trigger job done on it.
If you really have to have the "look", and have the cash, then go for the PC model. For what my opinion is worth, I would buy the standard model, have a good smith do some magic on the action, and spend the rest of what I saved on moon clips and ammo.
what gunsmith, ??

I originally want this revolver for IPSC style shooting, I would want to have the Hammer Bobbed and the revolver basically made Double Action Only.

Cylinder & Slide or who would you guys recomend ?

With the modifications you have in mind, I would pass on the Performance Center model. Use the $300 to modify a standard model.

The folks at Cylinder and Slide do world class work. There are a lot of smiths that do great work on S&W revolvers, but I've never seen any better than Bill Laughridge and his crew.

Good Luck...

I own a 625 Model of 1989 and it is already more accurate than I am and I am a pretty decent shot. If price is not the object then go for the gusto.

Thanks Guy's....

Going to order the standard Model 625 and shoot 500 rounds thru it and then send it to cylinder and slide for a rework.

I notice they recommend the 250-500 round shooting to set things together and get the action where it wants to be.