S&W 586 6" in 38 Special?


New member
What are the approximate production numbers and value of the 586 6" in 38 Special? I think these are referred to as the Brazilian contract 586. The one I found is %95 in the box with rubber grips. I could not find them in the Blue Book

From what I understand they are really rare in the US. Don't have any idea as to actual production numbers. What's the cost? If it isn't too much go ahead and snatch it up!
The gun is still in the gun shop and should be available for sale today. (They took it in trade yesterday.) I got a quick glance at the box and it said "Brazil" on it and what looked like an original price tag of $350 on the box. I heard they were going to ask $375 for it, another guy behind the counter said $325; I'll find out today. I was also told it was a round butt and I saw the grips that were S&W marked long Hogues.

The frame model says 586-5 and the barrel is marked 38 Special. Just for kicks, I tried a 357 in the cylinder, which did not chamber.
If the cylinder is changed, is it safe to shoot 357' in the gun?

Is $350 about right for the gun?

You gotta ask yourself WHY?

I think they were done-up for export because the lowly masses in Brazil are not permitted to have the big, bad MAGNUM cartridges; but, that's not the issue.

Do you want it as a collectable? If so, I'm pretty sure that they are in the ballpark of a fair price. If you want a shooter, there are hordes of true, .357 M-586s to be had at substantially less money.;)
rballi......in theory yes. In real life, probably not. Varies from individual gun to gun.

Cylinder switch would negate collector value and be pricy.

They sure as hell weren't made for the lowly Brazilian masses.

They were made for the Brazilian National Police, or Polizi Nacional do Brazil (I think that's how it is in Portugese).

I'm pretty certain they were made in the early 1990s, maybe around 1993/94.

They're not common in the United States, but they're really not all that rare, either.

If you want it, $350 certainly isn't all that bad a price for it.
I went to the gun shop at noon and they had it waiting for me. I ended up getting it for $350 out the door. I would have kicked myself later if I didn't get it.

Here are some more details on the gun. It's a 586-4, Round Butt. The Ser.# is CCE8###.

The box is a blue plastic S&W box with the original Master Trigger Lock (oooh boy!) The side of the box reads as follows:

Mod-586, Cal-.38, Barrel-6, Finish-B, Stock-SB, Features-Brazil, Special Order-7252.

Even though the side of the box says SB it's definately a Round Butt. The Ser. # on the box does match the pistol.

I'm pretty certain that CCE would put it in the 1993/1994 time range.

You should be able to get in touch with S&W and, with the special order number on the box, get some more information about the entire contract.
S&W gave some info over the phone. The gun left the factory Aug, 20, 1999. It is number #820 whatever that means. It is the last of an order of 91 guns to be shipped to Brazil. Anything other info comes in a letter and is $30.

Wait a second, 1999?

That doesn't sound right, but I don't have my books in front of me.

If that is the case, Brazil must have gotten another issue of these things.