S&W .41 cal

Nanaimo Barr

New member
guess I should have posted this here in the first place..

a friend has a S&W single action in .41 caliber, serial number under 2000,family lore says says it belonged to a British Merchant seaman that jumped ship in Oregon sometime around 1900.

anyone got have any ideas on this one?

(pics comeing in a day or two)
Won't be able to reply unless we have more information.
When you post the photo also put a small description of any marks or anything that is not obvious in the photo.
ok, I won't be getting the pistol itself, just the pics (the friends are in another state), I did get a e-mail saying it was a top break single action.


(anyone know whats happening with S&W's website?)
Sigh 2. Wonder if they looked again and saw it was a .44...or a Colt....or sumpin. Thanks for checkin in even if no new info.

instead of sending me the pics directly, they decided to have a friend scan them in.. said friend doesn't know how to use a scanner....

well, nothing new, I'm gonna pack it in, they no longer seem to have any interest. thank you all for your help and interest..

I been thinkin maby it was not what you were told.
Maby Colt stead of Smith.........or Smith in .44 stead of .41 and they discovered their error and are too embarrased to admit the mistake.

Or they were smokin you from the git go.....and thereby us too.

I would place small bet on it bein .44 with most of the second 4 gone so it looked like a 1 at first gander. Either from wear or twas a poor stamp to start with.

Thanx for stayin with it NB..........wish it were closer, I'd drive a fair piece to get a look at it.

well, if by some feak of chance a pic ever does show up, I'll stick a note back in here with the pics and we can take it from there. I must admit they sure had me curious.
