S&W 3913 7+1


New member
I am in the process of picking up a S&W 3913 semi-auto double action only pistol in the 7+ one in the chamber configuration in 9mm. It is used but hardly shot. It was a police oficers off duty carry weapon. Anybody have any info on this firearm? Anybody ever fire one before? What have you heard through the grape vine about it? Pro's? Con's? Thanks in advance.
I own one and really like it. If memory serves me right it has never jammed or failed to fire. Excellent compact little weapon. I used to carry mine until I bought a Kahr. The 3913 was made as a single action semi-auto. I noticed you said this one is double action only. I guess it must have been modified.
The 3913 is a nice little carry gun. Good accuracy, reliable and concealable. Factory magazines should hold 8 rounds. If you can live with S&W’s politics, the gun will serve you very well. Since the gun is used, at least S&W will not profit from the sale.
The 3913 is a good gun, reliable and well-made. My brother used a 3913 during the practical part of his concealed carry exam--where a jam counts as a miss--and had no trouble at all. I used to carry a 3913 myself. I had no complaints about it, with one exception: a bur in the magazine well sometimes kept the mag from inserting easily. However, S&W's service department smoothed off the bur, taking care of the problem.

BTW, I finally replaced my 3913 with a Glock 26, whose trigger I personally find easier to use than the DA/SA of the 3913. Of course, this is a matter of individual preference.
I had one of the first 3913's (back in the late 80's) and carried it as a primary weapon for several years. It truly was a slightly fired gun, probably fired less than 750 rounds in the time I had it. One day in the range, I noticed accuracy was bad, even for me. Upon examining the gun, I found that the rails on the frame had worn to such a point that the slide had the freedom to travel about 1/8" up and down. The front of the slide moved up and down probably in excess of this 1/8". Needless to say, that was where my accuracy went.

The gun was returned to S&W, who replaced the frame under warranty, but when the gun came back it's POI was about 8" low and 6" right at 7 yards. Obviously, the 3 dot fixed sights offered no help in adjusting for elevation. I got rid of it. (I bought a new one to replace it, still in my safe somewhere, but never shot or carried it). I had lost my confidence in S&W as a carry gun since the early 1980's.

I purchased the gun brand new (transition from a S&W M-66), so I know how it was treated. This gun *never* ever fired any +P or +P+ ammo, all ammo was standard pressure 115 gr JHP or ball.

I always liked the size (compactness) of this little gun, but it turned out to be way too fragile (for no apparent reason except bad metal in the alloy frame) for my taste.

I never found where I had inadvertently pressed the hidden auto self destruct button. :)

One of my concerns over any used S&W alloy framed auto since this incident has been special attention to the slide to frame fit.

Hope this helps.
Please buy something else, anything else.

I had a S&W 3913 for a few days and traded it in as soon as I could. Why? Inaccurate, did not point well, didn't like the grip, heavy for a small nine, bobbed hammer.

My current carry 9MM is a CZ-75 PCR. Much better gun all around and very accurate and with its light alloy frame, very easy to carry. Yes I know the 3913 is alloy too, but it felt heavier to me. Another good choice would be a Makarov or small Sig or HK compact.

Please reconsider. I don't hate many guns, but the S&W autos are on the stay away list.

I have owned several 3913s and 3953s, the DAO version. I've had great luck with them all. My wife currently carries one of the 3913s. They ALAWYS work and are plenty accurate. Some people have problems with their accuracy due to the small size and short sight radius. I have NEVER had a malfunction with any of them. Ammunition used was mostly COR-BON 115 JHPs. I think you'll like it!
I have had a 3913 for about 6 years. Bought it new and have never had any problems with it. Can't every recall it jamming and it shoots plenty accurate for a carry gun. My dad keeps it at work now. As stated above the mag should hold 8 rounds, all mine do. I think it's a fine gun.
Michael Goeing
My 3913 has never jammed and it is more accurate than my Beretta 92.


The rails on the frame are only 1/16 of an inch. If they were worn so bad that the slide could move up and down 1/8, they had to have been worn completely off. The slide would have fell off the gun.
Hi Wayne D:

This event happened to me 10 years ago, perhaps my memory fails me on the exact amount of play there was between the barrel and the slide. Regardless of the actual measurement, which I never did BTW, the front of the slide moved up and down on the frame like a darn hinge. The frame rails were too soft and simply wore out.

Bottom line was that my 3913 was one of the first ones produced, and the frame was just crap metal that wore out with very minor use. I never implied that subsequent 3913's would have the same problem, I only wanted to share my experience, and maybe help someone else who might on the outside chance find an early example for sale.

Personally, I always liked the size and weight of the 3913, and if you cut me *back then* I would have bled S&W blue. But after the gun self destructing, I'm not inclined to even carry the NIB 3913 in my safe I bought to replace the worn out on some 10 years back.

Maybe I'm the only one that gets the bad apple in every basket, I don't know. I'd just as soon wish to think that was the case.

Wayne, I'm not at fault for having a gun mess up on me, and I didn't slam you or your 3913 (nor would I), or anyone else's gun (again, nor would I ever). I never said S&W 3913 series guns were crap, did I? Only mine. Please don't imply that "The slide would have fell off the gun" just because I may have said the slide moved more than it may have because I simply don't remember something that happened 10 years ago.

My 3913 was a POS, I hope everyone else's works 100% and never wears out.

I owned a 3913 for a few years and used it as my primary carry and HD gun. It was extremely accurate and functioned absolutely flawlessly. I felt it was a good mix of compact firepower, light weight, and controllability. I highly recommend it. Best Wishes, LBC