S&W 39-2


New member
Picked up this 1977 ex police 39-2 at the LGS for $ 430

They were using Sig P220, same as the Swiss army. So I asked the LGS who is a former cop, he was even in the local SWAT. Basically it was down to price, the Smith was 300 Swiss francs cheaper.









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S&W 39-2



GV is for Gendarmerie Vaudoise (Vaud being the state I live in, in Western Switzerland)



25 m, not great so far


This is my ex Police Lausanne P220 also from 1977

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I've always loved the Model 39. Beautiful gun, fits my hand like a dream, easy to carry. BUT. I couldn't shoot the first shot worth a toot. Once it got into S/A mode, I could do OK with it, but that first shot was a bear.

I've owned three or four over the years, including one that was in (I believed) unfired outside the factory condition. Man that thing was pretty, but I always found a reason to sell them, and almost immediately wished I hadn't. I guess I kept hoping the next one would be "the one."

That's a nice one you got there. Now you've got me thinking...maybe I'll try another one...maybe...
I've always loved the 39's ! They just fit in your hand like an extension and the ones I've owned over the years have worked just great...
M39 was my first centerfire semi that I bought new in the early 70's. Not long after, I discovered the Colt Government and gave the 39 to my dad. Since then it's bounced around in the family and my brother has it now. Still almost pristine and probably hasn't had 500 rounds through it. I'm the only volume shooter in the family.
I screwed up a couple of years ago and turned down a LNIB nickel plated 39. the price was almost double what yours cost, but oh boy was that thing nice. Haven't seen another locally at any price since.
Nice find, again! :D

A word of caution, pray nothing major (or even minor) breaks. Many parts forthe S&W M39s are on the scarce side of unobtainium.

I knew one fellow who needed a safety lever (his broke off) after nearly a decade of searching without success, he moved on...

Of course, there are a number of guns like that, long discontinued models where the maker doesn't have any parts left and neither do the major parts supply houses,

The S&W feels good in the hand, but its a bit more complicated than a 1911A1.
A beautiful gun. It was the first gun that I owned (not the first one fired). I bought it in 1979 and I had it for several years. Mine was nickel plated. You will surely enjoy owning and shooting it.
Looks like a beauty, I have a 639 ex-police gun and it just had a special feel to it. I liked it so much I even put stag grips on it. Congrats on the new addition.