Nice video and revolver. About a year ago, Buds had Model 360's (non-M&P) for somewhere in the low $400's, IIRC. I was on the fence for a while but ended up with a 637; I still kick myself for not getting the 360 at such a good price.
While I love a hammer spur on even my carry revolvers, they are mainly there for my own personal enjoyment. I just like the way they look, they have never gotten in my way and they really give the snub nose an extra touch of class. However, aside from some fun shots at the end of a practice session or on the rare occasion I adjust my Crimson Trace, I try not to use it. I would keep the single action firing out of my carry snub practice and stick with DA the whole time. After a while that heavy trigger really smooths out and once you've mastered the trigger (due to lots of live fire and TONS of dry fire in DA) you'll shoot just as well, if not better, in DA.
Thanks for posting the video.