S&W 22 series pistols


New member
Anyone have any experience with them? Are they as good as the 422 they replaced? Would one be better off spending the extra $$ for a Model 41? Thanks.
The S&W .22 plinking/target pistol line is a whole different ball game from the Model 41. The latter is arguably the best pistol made for American style target shooting, and with no argument, the best for the price.

But the Model 41 is a pure target pistol, not a plinker for stopping murderous attacks by beer cans. It is heavy and somewhat awkward in any role except the one it was designed for.

It is a bit like wondering whether to buy a dump truck or a Maserati. The truck doesn't handle at all well on Italian mountain roads, but 10 tons of coal really raises hell with leather seats.

If you mean the 22a type pistols, I have one and I agree, the model 41 and 22a is not an apples to apples issue.

That being said, I have never fired a 41 but I think the 22a I own is quite accurate enough for me. I mounted a
Pro-Point red dot on top of the integral rail, and it shoots wonderfully. I had to send the 22a back for repair after several jillion rounds, and the S&W service was top shelf, and quick. Very friendly folks for what the company did to them. Do I endorse buying one new from them? No.
Do I recommend buying a slightly used one. Maybe. For the price of a used 22a, you may be able to buy a new Buckmark, or Ruger Mark II.

BTW, I only paid 179.00 for my 22a a couple of years ago. A real bargain.

If I have misinterpreted your question, and I am totally a dork, disregard.
S&W .22s

I'd agree with Mr. Keenan - the current crop of 22a's are from a different tree than the Model 41s.

I'd dis-agree with Mr. Keenan on the uses. I've used a 5.5 inch Model 41 to take a lot of snowshoe hare and a fair amount of squirrel and grouse. I don't find it anymore awkard or bulky to use for that than an elderly Ruger Mark I target with a bull barrel - an old friend. I do tend to take the Ruger out more, mostly because I don't care as much about dinging it up in the woods.

Back when my eyes were younger I'd have to have given the S&W an edge in accuracy over the Ruger with their respective preferred ammo. There was no question about the trigger pull of the S&W being superior to the Ruger.

If you want a nice .22 to carry on camping trips, to stop rampaging cans with, and to take the occassional small game - them the .22a's are nice - as well as the durable Rugers, the Sig Trailside, the Buckmark or any number of others - semi-autos or revolvers. If you want that, plus the smooth, crisp trigger pull, balance and accuracy that will give you an edge in bullseye competition without costly modificatin, then the Model 41 is an excellent choice.

Is it worth the extra few hundred in MSR price? Probably not, if you aren't into real precision shooting - or if you aren't at that point where you can shoot to the potential of the gun. But, jeassee, they are really, really nice.
The S&W .22 plinking/target pistol line is a whole different ball game from the Model 41. The latter is arguably the best pistol made for American style target shooting, and with no argument, the best for the price.

I disagree. The Model 41 is a fine pistol, but I feel that the IZH-35M is its equal in the same price range (actually for about $150 less). This is based on performance; the Smith clearly has an edge in the "fit and finish" category.
Thanks for the input. I'm entertaining the thought of using a 22S as a plinker and an entry-level bullseye pistol. Would it be accurate enough,or would I save myself some aggravation by getting the 41 and a 22S?