S&W 19


New member
I have a S&W 19 2-1/2" barrel. I don't have any problems shooting factory loads. When I shoot my reloads I get a lot of hangfires. My first thought was that I didn't seat the primers deep enough. Because about 70% will fire if struck a second time. I've checked the primers in all my reloads however and they are not high.
I bought the revolver used and I'm wondering if there is something I could check to see if it's out of adjustment. Timing?
Any help will be appreciated
Lou, you might try a different brand of primer. If it's firing factory loads with no problem then the fault isn't in the gun. Some primers are just harder than others. I've always had good luck with CCI. George
You might also check the mainspring strain screw, at the base of the grip frontstrap, to make sure it's tight. It can work itself loose or the prior owner may have backed it off to lighten the double action trigger pull, a misguided amateur's attempt at a 'trigger job'.
I think SKN has it. Lots of K Frames get the strain screw backed off to lighten the pull, but it results in light and ineffective primer popping. Had this very model, and the action was light/smooth after disassembly, polishing and lubing. While you have it apart, Locktite that strain screw after tightening it as much as possible.

You can also reduce the hammer spur to just enough to cock with and that will help a little.
I took the Grips off and the mainspring set screw was loose. I could tighten it about 1 full turn. I haven't tried it yet. It will come with me on my next trip to the range.
Thanks for the info
Hi Bianchi,

Just tightening the screw may be enough, but some people ground the end down so they could turn the screw in flush and still have a light pull. A new screw may be needed.

You'll probably hit me for this one, but are you sure you are using pistol primers,not rifle primers?


P.S. I, and everyone else, thought you mean misfires, not hangfires (delay between hammer fall and firing). If you really mean hangfires, look to the primers, as this is usually due to very old or mistreated primers.

Jim, Nope I won't hit you. They're Magnum pistol primers.

I called them hangfires because most will fire the second time around.

Thanks for the info on the screw, I'll take it out and look to see if it was ground down.
A couple of points-1- what you discribe is not a hangfire.A hangfire is a delay in the round going off after being hit.2-If your 19 shootd ok with factory ammo your problem is with your reloads.Some brands of primers are harder then others.Try switching brands.I have 40,000+rds through my 19.I had the same problem a long time ago and a primer switch did it.Funny thing I went back to the brand I originaly used a couple of years later and had no problem.Maybe some lots of primers are harder then others.
I just wanted to update everyone who helped.
I fired 50 of the reloads that were misfiring (after tightening the mainspring screw) and did not have one misfire. Thanks a lot everyone. I forgot how much I love to shoot this revolver. Definitely the sweetest trigger I've ever pulled.