Just picked one up today. Blueing is just about 100% and the grips are like new. Barrel is 5 inches. Going out tomorrow to put a box of ammo through it.
Buying Model 10/M&P revovlers is addictive. I bought two in two weeks since they are cheap enough to buy. I have one dated 1920 and the other, a 10-5, dated 1972. I have less than $300 in both. Enjoy your time at the range.
There's a little ode to M&P's in this month's AH by the last person I'd expect to write one: John Taffin. That's right, Mr. Superexpensive Custom Ultramagnum Loudenboomer came out of the closet and let the world know that he has secretly had the warm fuzzies for the prosaic M&P all along.