S O G Brazillian Mauser Rifle ?

TX Hunter

New member
Hey I was just wondering if any of you fellows have bought one of these ?
They are advertized as being in Good Condition but watched a video and the man described alot of rust, deep comelene soaked stocks, and minor stock repair needed, but said the rifle was in good mechanical condition.
I keep looking at the picture of that 7x57 in the S O G sales paper, and am kind of wanting to get one, and clean it up, just wondering if the bores on these have been decent.
Anyone got one ?
A rule of thumb on surplus firearms that's been valid since the big post-war wave of surplus in the 1950's is this:

When the description is "Good Condition", you hear "Good to Very Good", the importer means "Fair to Good".

With "Good Condition" a South American surplus rifle is going to have a very frosty and probably pitted barrel, but it will still shoot acceptably.
Don't expect great groups at 100 yards, but the groups may be improved by counter-boring the muzzle.
Expect some small parts may need to be replaced and for pitting and rust under the wood.

Yes Its a Czec VZ-24 in 7x57.
I like the looks of them, and am thinking about buying one, and cleaning it.
I was just concerned about the rifleing being gone, wondering if anyone has bought one of these.
Thanks Emcon5

Thanks for the link, I think Im gonna go ahead and get one of these, Its in rough shape, but I like the looks of the rifle, and the 7mm chambering.
Be kind of a nice project cleaning one up, and making it servicable again.
I have one of the Century imports, which is probably the same batch that SOG has. Mine was completely black like the one in the video and had the oil soaked red silt under the hand guard. The red dirt actually seemed to preserve the metal, because there was no rust at all underneath. I would rate the condition as fair, but mechanically sound. The bore is dark and really dirty, but it shoots ok.
I gave it a good wash/scrubbing with BLO and four 0 steel wool and it cleaned up pretty good. I think it's fair deal for the money. I also got some of the 7mm surplus ammo from Samco.
Yeah, that's what was under all the black.
I took the stock off and gave it a good soak in BLO and scrubbed a lot with steel wool then wiped it off. The bolt body has some stains and discoloration that could probably be polished out. I like the history behind these rifles. Originally a Chinese contract that fell through, then sold to the Brazillian rebels.
That looks a hell of a lot better than the one in the video.

How is the import marking? I have seen some recent Century Mausers that are horrible.
The mark on this one is fairly discreet on the bottom of the barrel just in front of the bayonet lug. The import serial number is dot matrix printed on the receiver.
Actually, these rifles have 4 serial numbers.
The original four digit factory number, then the Brazilian government added a new number when they captured the rifles from the rebels, a third number with a prefix of "PM" was added when they were issued to the military police, and finally the importer's number.
Did you order one? I am thinking of pulling the trigger today.

On edit: Looks like I waited too long. They are out.
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Congratulations, Its a nice looking Rifle, lots of character, and it apears to have been cleaned up already. I hope you have lots of enjoyment with it.
Oh by the way, I love the website, I cant look at it eneough.:)