S&B or PMC?

I have shot a lot of S&B in .38, .357mag, .40cal and 9mm. I have never had a problem with any of it. I really like the compact packaging compared to Winchester, Federal (I really like the American Eagle ammo) and UMC.

I have never fired any PMC, therefore, I cannot make a comparison. I don't believe you would regret purchasing the S&B. Probably, since there seems to be a lot of good press in the various forums, PMC should also fill your needs as well.
I've shot thousands of rounds of S&B without problems. Never have been that happy with PMC.

(Denel, MagTech, IMI, PNP, and a few others are very close in performance, though.)

I've been getting S&B in 9mm for $4.99 a box from Natchez Shooters supply; shipping for a case runs about $12.00 to NC. That's a great price.

( http://www.natchezss.com )
I purchased 500rds of S&B for the first time and went to the range this weekend with the Glock 17. Shot about 130rds of the 9mm. Reliability was 100% and accuracy appeared as good as anything I shoot. I did notice that the S&B is not a very "warm" round at all but did cycle my G17 OK.
A friend of mine had trouble with .38 rounds tying up the cylinder of his snubbie when the bullets backed out from recoil. S&B ammo.

I had trouble some years back with some 9mm S&B. About every tenth round wouldn't chamber in my Ruger P89. It was like the rounds were a little oversize.

No bad experiences with PMC, but I never had a gun (rifle or pistol) that shot accurately with it.
Both come in smaller boxes that you can fit more of into an ammo can. I think the S&B might be a little smaller. Otherwise, they are both great ofr the price.
I have a prefernce for S&B myself.

Awhile back I bought some boxes of Fed American Eagle, Win White Box (Q4172), and S&B, all 115gr 9mm. In intended to buy some PMC as well, but CTD did not have it in stock at the time I ordered the others. The weapons I tested the ammo in were my Ruger P89 and PC9 carbine.

I found the S&B worked the best, also the highest power round of the three (based on unscientific felt recoil), and was also the cleanest firing. Fed American Eagle was second on all counts.

I've haven't used PMC, but I hear it is quite a 'dirty' round. If that makes a difference to you (it does to me), I would go with the S&B. YMMV.
No real experience with S&B ammo; but I feed my Hi-Power PMC 124gr FMJ and haven't had any problems to date with reliability or accuracy.

It isn't the cleanest stuff in the world; but it isn't much dirtier than most of the other cheap ammo on the market.
PMC in my CZ-75B was atrocious! While doing accuracy testing with the two my son-in-law was watching my targets. When I switched to S&B the difference in group size was so noticeable he says, "I think we have a winner".
I've had more failures to feed with PMC than S&B. I usually shoot my own reloads, but if it's a caliber that I don't load, I'll often get S&B. YMMV.

I have had excellent success with both of them in 9mm as well as .45 ACP. Cost favors S&B slightly (I find it by far the best of the "cheap" ammo out there), as long as you don't mind that red lacquer getting all over your hands when you load magazines! :D

You won't go wrong with either of them, IMO.
I use PMP...in .45 and 9mm. It's been extreemly accurate and I've had two failures to fire in well over 6k rounds. The 9mm costs me $109/1000 delivered and the .45 runs $169/1000 delivered (with no sales tax since I do not reside in Florida). It takes 5 working days for delivery. Some have reported with other companies they get better shipping times. I use Century International Arms. My .02


Oh, and I've also shot plenty of the S&B and PMC with no complaints what-so-ever! All of it's good in my opinion, if the S&B or PMC is at a better price, I'd buy that. No hesitation. I have not found either at as good a price as the PMP, thus, I'm now shooting PMP.