Rusty old guns


Hello Harley, I'm a new member, and what got me interested was the discussion about 30-40 Krags. I've been hauling a nasty old lump of rust around with me for years, wondering what to do with it. Well, I finally took the first step and started gunsmith school. I'm halfway through it, and I'm feeling pretty confident about tackling my rust heap. The old thing is in good shape on the inside, but looks like it's been buried for a hundred years on the outside. I''ve gotten to know an old 'smith out here in Oklahoma, and between the two of us, decided that an overhaul was the only possible route to take. The stock is in pretty good shape, so I'm going to leave it alone. The armory stamp is still legible, and there's no major damage, so I think a little TLC will do. The hardware was in bad shape, though, so I'm doing a complete rework. Some folks will say I'm making a mistake, but it wasn't worth a damn the way it was. I'd like to get your feelings on that, as I've run into a couple of other cases like it. I've been told that if the work makes it better, it's a good thing. What do you think? Seabeescotty P.S. Being a new member, I didn't mean to leave people out. Comments from any member will be very welcome. By the way, you can see from my username that I'm a former Seabee. I'm also the proud father of two great Marines, one a sargeant, and the other a brand new staff-sargeant just back from another vacation in the sand. Semper Fi, and Can Do!
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Whatever floats your boat. It's probably not worth it from a value standpoint but this is coming from someone that has built not one but two custom Mausers and an 03 Springfield.:D
If you figure out what works well, pass on the information. I've got a 10/22 that was underwater in a chemical soup for an extended time.

It has seen better days.
Well, Scotty, if you are just looking for a project gun, any gun will do I suppose. If you want your results to be appreciated by others, and you want your money invested in the project to have some value on the market, you might want to reconsider doing anything at all to the old Krag. I know a lot of guys are very fond of them, but few are willing to part with money for a dressed up Krag of any kind, they want them original or close to it. If you are absolutely set on building a rifle, start with a commercial Mauser action, or a good military action as the core of your new rifle.
Scorch, I wish I'd have taken some pictures of this old beast, to show everyone just how bad it was on the outside. I'm not really thinking about this as a money maker, but as something to shoot and pass down. I've turned my kids into certifiable gun nuts, including one daughter-in-law. The old gun needed to have the scale knocked off in order to see if it could be used at all. It's gonna make a good shooter after all. And my sons are pretty bad about coming home and doing the Marine white glove thing on my toys. It really was a project peice, and not a collector. Man, it's been a long time since I spelled piece. Did I get it right that time? And yes, I'm looking forward to some new projects. The school I'm taking is really good. And I'm glad I stumbled on to this forum. Seabeescotty
If you're doing it to something that was beyond any collector value, I saw go for it. On any collectible, we are only the current custodians. We keep the collectible so that we may appreciate them and hand them down to the next custodian.
Something such as what you describe really wouldn't be a collectible in that there are quite a few specimens in better collectible shape. So if you're rebuilding just for fun and to have a shooter, best of luck to you. And remember to post a pic or two when you're finished with it.