Rust spot


New member
My Dads 1973 Ruger Super Blackhawk. I want to treat a small rust spot at the seam of the grip frame and body. It's small, maybe 1/8" and I don't want to damage the mirror finish bluing.
Is there any good "tricks" to removing the rust spot or am I better off just keeping it oiled and hope it doesn't spread?
I don't know how long it has been there, I just took it out of its box and started to load for it and shoot it.
Thanks in advance.
I have had pretty good success removing light rust with gun oil and 0000 steel wool. Use a light touch and it won't damage the finish.
The finish is already damaged. However, like Bozz10mm says, 0000 steel wool and a bit of oil will take off the rust without bothering the bluing. So will a light touch with a fine brass wire wheel in a bench grinder. Eye protection is mandatory.
I think I'd pop off the grip frame and have a look under it too.
0000, Copper penny or ChoreBoy

As others have replied, 0000 steel wool will not damage a "Factory" bluing. On small spots a use a wrap a small amount of 0000 around the head of a Q-Tip and it provides more control. If the rust is still fresh, it should clean up well. If it has taken root, that is another story. Either way, it will leave a mark. On larger spots, I use ChoreBoy. Good luck and let us know how you made out. ..

Be Safe !!!
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If you do scrub with anything (only has hard as necessary) try to switch spots with the cloth / steel wool every now and then. Scrubbing/rubbing with embedded rust in the cloth or tooth brush or steel wool is a bit harsher. Same with if you scrape with a penny, wipe the loose rust off as you make progress. Try to avoid scrubbing with a slurry of gun oil / rust.
Thanks to everyone for the advice and tips. All are a great help!!:)
I did try the penny method and it was successful to a point. Given the contours at this particular area it was difficult to get the penny into the more tight area.
As "T. O'Heir" suggested, I will be taking it apart further. (more than just removing the grips as I did yesterday) It's got such high gloss bluing I don't want to make it look worse while trying to fix it. I'm mad that I didn't look it over better when first received. I wiped it down with a light oil coating periodically and just left it in its box for some years until now. I did shoot it today, could not wait till after the rust fix. Felt good in my hands knowing my Dad was likely the last person to shoot it many years ago.
I had some light rust on some scope rings, and someone suggested using a piece of brown paper bag (like you used to get from the grocery store), use it like sand paper, and keep buffing until you're satisfied. It is not an aggressive method, so it will take a while. It worked IMO, but it is a slow process. GL
OK, got it disassembled last night. The rust spot (now 2 with the grip & body separated) is contained to only the blued area. It has yet to migrate/spread to the interior surfaces of the grip frame or body. I used the penny method a bit more and ended with the 0000 steel wool.
The small spot(s) are no longer rough, they are very smooth and the glossy bluing surrounding them is intact. I cleaned and dried everything, dabbed a little cold bluing solution on to darken the bare steel spots, waited a bit then rinsed, dried, oiled & buffed. Once all was reassembled the spot is still there but much less noticeable than prior. I'll be keeping an eye on it every use/cleaning.
I'd say the repair was a success and I now have some more tricks to added to my toolbox. :)
Again thanks to all for the input.
Be sure to use a penny minted before 1982 (1981 is safe) it has 95% copper and is soft .

Pennies dated 1982 and newer are 97.5% zinc and only copper plated and much harder and will scratch the blued surface of a firearm .

Soaking the rust spot in kerosine or good penetrating oil will help loosen the rust .

mk70ss: "before" pics, I neglected to take any. "after" pics, I should be able to do this weekend.
gwpercle: Much to the possible dismay of some, I used a 40's wheat back penny. :eek: