Rust in Bore


I have a Savage 12 in .223. When I was cleaning it after the last time I shot towards the end some of the patches were coming out like dark red in the middle. This was after I let it sit for a while with KG 12 in the bore (first time ever using KG12). Is this what you get when there's rust in the bore or is it something with the the new chemical? It hasn't been stored in the greatest conditions. It's been in my bosses basement for about the last 8 months in a hard case, with the rest of my guns. There's no rust on the outside of it or anywhere on any of my other guns. Any information would be great, thanks.
Might be rust...humidity is a rifle's worst enemy...
Might be a dirt dauber wasp nest...
Might be the KG12 reacting with the lead/copper fouling...
Did you look down the bore using a light at the other end . Look down the bore with a bore light . Wal-mart has a nice winchester one for $5 . If the bore walls are still shiny smooth with no dull areas or pitting it was probably not rust .

After just writing the above I looked up KG 12 . It is a water based bore cleaner and you left it in your bore for a long period of time :eek: What is a long period of time 20 min or 2 months ? 20 min should be no big deal but if you ran a wet patch down the bore and then put the gun up for a month . that may not be good .
No no no nothing like 2 months probably like 30 minutes, I put it in there then fed all the cattle then came back and brushed it and patched it out. The patches were solid blue then they started getting less blue and more red. It was after shooting about 200 rounds of those cheap black eagle rounds. There was so much copper it was almost wrapping around the edge of the bore. When I hold it up to a light bulb it's all shiny with a couple little tiny pieces of something that look kind of like powder residue in a shotgun barrel. I figured that was from it not being totally clean. I ussually give up on cleaning after about 100 pathes. I can brush the bore then patch it untill the patches are completly clean, then if I brush it again the patches are solid black, so I do this until I get completly sick of it and just run an oiled patch down it and oil eveything then put it up.
Sounds like you may have some carbon build up. There is no area with any signs of rust. KG-12 is water based cleaner. I would use Wipe-Out Patch-Out for a all around cleaner. Ballistol also is good, it's the slickest lube I ever used. JB Compound & Kroil oil for a good cleaning. Clean your rifle after each outing and you will have nothing to worry about. Savage Mod. 12 Series is a nice rifle in 223 I belive it's a 1-9 twist. Thats my next rifle,can't wait to get back to shooting but this hericane beat the hell out of us here on LI NY. Take care of your rifle. Hope I helped,Be SAFE Chris
Sounds to me like you need to switch solvents,,,ie: after about 100 patchs.
Try Bore Tech Eliminator, and a nylon bore brush... Also I use G-96 Cleaner Lubricator etc, comes in a spray can for about 12.00, it usually only takes me about a dozen patches to get my rifles clean.;)
Thanks for the replies, I have tried a couple different cleaners to help clean it better faster. I will have to get some of those you guys mentioned in the smaller sizes to see what works best. CW it is a great riffle 26 inch heavy barrel, it has barely any drop from 200 to 300 so I just hold dead on at any range on yotes and always works. I have a 3x9 bushnell on it but can't hardly see anything out at the range it can shoot, so i'm thinking about putting a bushnell 4x16 on it and putting the 3x9 on an ar im lookin into.
I have a Bushnell 6x24x40 on my Rem 700 LTR 308 & you can shoot a pimple off a nats ass with it. Great Scope.
Today I took a patch that had a bunch of carbon fouling on it a rubbed it on a patch soaked in the KG12 and it turned red. So i was glad to see that. I put a gun cabinet in my bosses basement. There is only one outlet to plug in a goldenrod for the summer so I put the cabinet right between the furnace and the back of a deep freeze. It's about a foot and a half from the furnace and 6 inches from the freezer. Can anyone see either of these causing any problems?
Furnace & freezer are both dry, the basement maybe damp. just clean and lube all the steel wax the stock if wood,good to go . Do you check you guns from time to time.
Yes I check them just about every week because I hunt or shoot just about every weekend the basement is super dry in the winter when the furnace is running. I'll probably buy a rod dehumidifier for the summer though. I just found out about eezox and coated all the metal on all my guns. All my nicer guns are in bore stores too, I don't know if they actually do anything but I don't suppose they would hurt either.
For as often as you shoot, you can keep them under your bed and they would be fine. I'm here on LI NY, we just finished with a hurricane & a nor easter. Some of my neighbors lost there homes. Looters are put out with the trash on Tues. & thurs. garbage pick up. Will be nice to get back to normal soon and get some trigger time in. What guns do you have. I have a Rem.700 LTR 308 , Colt AR 15 HBAR 5.56 & CZ 452 Varmint 22LR. Be Safe Chris
Get some Shooters Choice solvent, a Dewey's coated rod, and a newspaper or something you don't mind getting all sorts of cruddy. Get a couple 22 caliber bore brushes, as this process will kinda destroy them.

Put a brush on the end of the Dewey's rod, wrap a bit of patch around the brush, then from the breach of the Savage, with the muzzle resting on the newspaper, run the brush all the way down to the muzzle and back up. Repeat that motion until no more cruddy solvent is forced out the bore. Change patches around the brush and using more solvent, scrub the bore again. Keep the muzzle down, as gravity helps keep the cruddy solvent from coming out of the chamber into the rest of your action.

Do this three to five times. What you are doing is actually scrubbing the inside of your bore with enough solvent to really give it a good cleaning. I've never had a bore not be totally clean by five patches using this method.

Switch to a piercing jag, then push clean patches through from breach to muzzle until they come out dry and clean. Run an oil patch down the bore and you are done.

Then start reloading, and switch to CFE 223 :-)

Thanks for the suggestions. If only reloading were in the picuture. I have too many to even start listing most areat my parents house in another state. I went out of state for college and only brought a few. I have a new Stag model 3 coming here soon. I looked into a couple others through an FFL friend who uses wholesalers or goes straight through the factory. I got some times from him before the election and everything was pretty much available. Then after the shortest was the stag at 2 weeks luckily that was one I was pretty interested in. Alot were out 6-8 months through the factory. Anyone have any thoughts of the model 3?
OP said:
When I was cleaning it after the last time I shot towards the end some of the patches
were coming out like dark red in the middle. This was after I let it sit for a while with KG 12 in
the bore (first time ever using KG12).
NOT rust.

KG-12 causes copper to dry patch out in brown (repeat, reddish BROWN) color. The volume of that 'color' that comes out of a badly coppered barrel surprises most people.

Keep using it. There is no better copper remover (and it'll also get the multilayers layers of copper/powder 'sandwich' out as well.)
Thanks for the info from a KG 12 user. I've been using that and C4 on that savage for a little while now and don't have to patch the thing 94,000 times and not even have it clean. I just got the Bushnell elite 4x16 to mount on it. Still waiting on the stag to get in to put the 3x9 on to have two hopefully badass rifles to kill everything in sight in the field and around the shed. Those yotes buggin the cattle and ground hogs digging in the pasture won't have a chance.