Russian woman who 'infiltrated' NRA speaks on Ukraine gun handout

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One of the more bizarre headlines at the MSN.COM web site is:
Russian agent who infiltrated the NRA says Ukraine shouldn’t hand out rifles in case a child gets hurt

The article is actually from 'The Independent' and you can read the article here:

Her touching concern about the children in the Ukraine stems from a report, apparently verified, that the Ukraine government is handing out rifles to their citizens:
Some 18,000 machine guns have already been handed out to volunteers in Kyiv since the Russian invasion began on Thursday morning
Here's a link to the article about the Ukraine weapons handout.

Here's a link to an article that describes the Russian woman's involvement with the NRA and her prosecution in the US and eventual deportation.
Slightly off topic I also found a link to an article on Quora about a US led effort to get private citizens to donate guns and ammunition to England at the beginning of WW2 before the US got involved in the fight.

I found it fascinating the amount and the diversity of firepower private citizens were willing to send away, with little or no chance of ever getting their stuff back.
Russian agent who infiltrated the NRA says Ukraine shouldn’t hand out rifles in case a child gets hurt.

Wow. That checks all the usual gun-control lobby checkboxes. Let's break it down.

First, Butina didn't infiltrate the NRA. She went to some meetings, talked to a few folks, and shook a few hands. She did not, in any way, affect NRA policy or the political stuff in which it was involved.

Second, I don't care what she says about gun safety. She's not in a position to be talking about it, and the only reason this is even getting coverage is because they keep pushing point #1.

There was (and is) a ludicrous media push to equate the NRA with some sort of election-meddling on behalf or Russian interests in the 2016 election. Not a bit of it has been proven (and yes, Mueller did look into any possible malfeasance on their part).

It made a wonderful slogan for the media for a while because it was like a Mad Libs for everything they were pushing. "The NRA, in conjuction with ___, conspired with ___ to ___ the ___."

It's tiresome, and I'm a bit surprised to see they're still trying to push it.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
If you remember Maria Butina was accused of espionage, charge reduced to failure to register as a foreign agent and convicted, spent about a year in lockup / club fed then deported.
If I didn't know better, I'd think she was a politician with a particular persuasion.

On the other hand our take-all-the-guns/anti-gun neighbor condemns the Russian aggression, but didn't have a response when asked about handing out guns for the defense of Ukraine.
We could change the headline and still be as accurate as MSNBC...


Not going to waste my time reading the article and not giving their site my "click count". Don't care about this woman or anything she says.

There are some similarities between the Ukraine today and Great Britan in 1940 but not a lot beyond facing invasion by a powerful military force.

Britian sent about 390,000 troops to France as the British Expeditionary Force.
The Miracle of Dunkirk rescued about 338,000, which included about 100,000 French soldiers. ALL the heavy equipment was lost, and only a few soldiers retained their personal rifles...

Britain was facing imminent invasion, and while organizing and training the Home Guard, and trying to rebuild and expand the military had lost a huge chunk of equipment in France and simply didn't have enough (of anything, really) to go around. Lots of pictures of Home Guard training with rakes and pitchforks, simply because there were no rifles to arm them with.

Great Britian asked the American government AND the American people for help. We responded, private citizens sent their personal guns to Britian to help them defend themselves. Our government also send military aid, in ever increasing amounts as time went on, creating the "Lend-Lease" program and others, making the US the "Arsenal of Democracy" in order for the Allies to defeat Nazi Germany and later, Imperial Japan.

Some of the guns private citizens send to England DID return to the US, after the war. Not many, but some did. Those guns are (and should be) prized peices of history and their owners are fortunate to have them.

The Ukraine is in a much worse situation, simply due to geography. There is no English channel and ocean making invasion difficult. Seems that with war on their doorstep (literally) the govt is handing out weapons to its citizens to defend their homes and their lives.

WAR will hurt children. Why isn't that woman speaking out against that??
TXAZ said:
On the other hand our take-all-the-guns/anti-gun neighbor condemns the Russian aggression, but didn't have a response when asked about handing out guns for the defense of Ukraine.
Which anti-gun neighbor is that -- Mexico, or Canada?
Russian propaganda would be deeply amusing if it wasn't so sad.

Ukraine is a nation with something like the 27th largest army, a sovereign state that could not stop the usurpation of it's own Crimea nor two neighboring territories to Russian occupation and encroachment in 2014. Ukraine has virtually zero force projection capabilities beyond its borders, and some would observe - based on recent history - that it has only limited force projection capabilities WITHIN its borders. Ukraine has been fighting - unsuccessfully - for the last 8 years to recapture it's own territory occupied by Russian-supported breakaway dissidents.

Yet this is the nation Putin and his apologists would have the world believe represents a existential threat to the Russian Federation. A threat so grave, so imminent, that the only way Russians will sleep soundly in their beds at night is for Putin's forces to invade the country, kill its elected leaders, and install a Russian Stooge to create a vassal state.

The part that is both amusing and sad is that Putin and his enablers truly expect the world to buy their assertions that Ukraine caused the war to occur, by committing various offenses that left him with no other option than to crush it. Goliath had to act, out of a persistent fear of David.

Putin looks out upon the world through a lens of his own creation, and his obsessive ambition to recreate the Soviet empire along with his relentless perception of potential enemies seeking to surround him creates a man who exists within an alternate reality. His entire world view is informed by his ambition and his phobias. He becomes his own self-fulfilling prophecy.

NATO was a cold war relic largely ignored for decades by most of the European Union, until Putin's tank battalions in Ukraine reminded Europeans of the Soviet tank battalions that crushed Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. NATO will no longer be a forgotten relic by the European Union in the 2020s. Putin has re-energized an adversary who had largely forgotten him.

The truly disturbing part is that he in fact controls a vast arsenal of intercontinental nuclear weapons, and if his delusion descends into fulminations over 'attacking my enemies before they can attack me', it isn't predictable if or when Putin might choose to deploy them. He turns 70 next year, and appears no longer to be an entirely "rational actor".

Bozhe, khrani nas vsekh. God save us all.
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