Russian SKS Help!

OK, I just bought a SKS. I decided to upgrade/mod it with a new combat stock from TAPCO. Its the Tapco SKS Intrafuse Rifle kit with Rail. I finished swapping stocks but I couldn't bash out that pin that holds the handguard and gas cylinder together on my original SKS.

I called the gun store I bought the sks from and the guy told me I have to drill it out because its welded together. But my buddy was able to hit it out with a punch. Anyways I drilled it out. The new stock comes with two pins but they don't seem to fit a bit loose except where the head of the pin is. Do I have to bash the head in till its snug?

Does anybody know what I can use as a substitute for that pin? Or do I have to buy a spare handguard and gas cylinder and man up and take out that pin manually?

Any help would be appreciated.
Should have played butcher on a $150 nornico and not the $400 ruski. but any way you will need to go to the hardware store and find a piece of steel that is roughly the sale diameter as your drill bit and make new pins.
I think i'll have to buy a new gas cylinder with handguard and try again. Luckily its only 20 bucks.

I paid 200 for my SKS it so its not too bad.
You're completely missing the point.

It's not about how much it costs you. It's the fact that it's a historical firearm and you just butchered it. It's one less Russian SKS that hasn't been ruined because someone can't resist ruining a perfectly fine firearm which happens to not be made anymore. :mad:
Do I have to bash the head in till its snug?

but I couldn't bash out that pin that holds the

I say keep bashing at it till it works. Bash, bash, bash away. Bash it till it gives. And then bash it again. Have you tried a BFH? That's called a Bash Frame Hammer. It's a really really BIG one. All good gunsmiths have them. You should get one too.
You'll need to measure the "new hole" with calipers or something similar. Ask the hardware guys for help finding a roll pin. These are spring steel hollow pins made to compress, then maintain tension after entering the hole. The correct pin will measure several thousandths larger than your actual hole size before being driven in, and should stay there quite nicely.

The rear handguard ferrule pin is not a high stress area. Find an aluminum finish nail, cut it to length, chamfer one end and tap it in. Place it in a vice and clamp down to mushroom the pin slightly and install on the rifle.

Honestly, the ferrule will stay in put (albeit loosely) with no pin at all when it is locked in place with the gas tube lever.

Most importantly, shoot safely and have fun.

(note to purists: he's from Canada!)
The OP didn't sign on to get hosed with criticism. It's his gun and he has the right to customize it if he wants to. Not everybody wants a stock SKS. Fifty years ago 90% of the Mausers and Enfields that came into the country were sporterized too, because nobody wanted a long, heavy military rifle; but they were cheap and plentiful. Buyers bough thousands of them and shortened their barrels and re-stocked them to make "poor man's sporting rifles". Many a deer has been killed with one of them. Today the sporterized models aren't worth much more than they were back when they were purchased as war surplus. But so many were customized back then, that unaltered examples are in short supply now and they are worth a lot of money to collectors. So look at it this way; one less stock SKS means that unaltered models will be one gun rarer tomorrow than they were today. That's what drives values up.
From now on ANYONE that wants to distroy a Norinco AK47, Russian sks, 1903a3, Mauser, or any of theseBEAUTIFUL firearms DONT DO IT. Give them to me and I will buy you you're Yugo sks, WASR ak, what ever POS and call it even. Then sportarize and "tacticool" youre nuts silly.
Um.... Mustangpalmer.... the OP is from Canada. They're tripping over crates of Russians up in the frozen north.

And besides, IF you could get even one shooter grade Yugo across the border without reserving yourself a room in Club Fed, you could probably come home with three pristine Russians in an even trade. A Yugo would be an exotic to our Canadian brethren.

In fact, they have a motto up there, "Bubba a Yugo, and you go to jail!" Not really, but it sounds good.

Class dismissed.