Russert Dead At Nbc

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Proof positive that you've got to take care of yourself. Translating it to this board, I know folks that get their guns so clean you could eat off of them, but haven't had a salad in decades. You can have the greatest gun, the best ammo, and all the training in the world and it won't do a damn thing if you don't take care of yourself.
You are right Stage2. They say he had just got back from a trip to Italy with his family. I imagine all the stress of the trip and activities could possibly have contributed to his Infarction.

I thought he was pretty fair even though a lib, until that Obama interview he did. Talk about softball it could not have been more obvious who Russert wanted to see elected President.
I feel really bad for his family. Sounds like there was little or no warning and he was way too young to go. I might not have agreed with his politics, but he was still a husband and father. Prayers for those he left behind.
His passing saddens me. He was my favorite news show host at NBC. He was the only one there I watched. He was a good man. RIP
His passing saddens me. He was my favorite news show host at NBC. He was the only one there I watched. He was a good man.

I'm with you. Intelligent and clearly passionate about his job. I though he was fair on both parties, I will miss watching him.
He was a superb newsman. His interviews didn't throw marshmallows at one side and bombs at the other. He was tough but very fair and unbiased in his interviews and always had a smile on his face. He had the ability to completely avoid partisanship in his interview and reporting.

I generally dislike network, or cable, news reporters. He was the exception, I completely enjoyed watching him, his insight, and his style.

He will be missed. RIP.
I generally dislike network, or cable, news reporters. He was the exception, I completely enjoyed watching him, his insight, and his style.
+1. I don't expect anyone to be completely objective, but he was closer to it than just about any of the rest that I can think of.

The latest news report I heard said he might have died from a blood clot and not a heart attack. Apparently, he had returned from Italy on a long flight, and the current theory is that a clot had formed because he sat for too long. I've heard of that happening.
Well, jkkimberfan he was the host of a popular political program and millions of people enjoyed that program and knew who he was. When a few hundred people are more than likely much less know you it does not make national news, funny how that works.

To paraphrase Mark Levin 'get off the thread you big dope'!
Do you mean a pulmonary embolism? I think it's the same thing that killed Bloom and hospitalized Dan Quayle for a short time.

At any rate, it's bad tidings for his family and friends. My sympathies go out to them.
I think Mr. Russert was one of the few network news people who tried to be fair. He asked tough questions of everybody and was insightful to boot.
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