Run n Gun training

SOG(Skinny Old Guy) I dont

have seen my better I just shoot at targets. it looks like fun I just dont get running through the woods sounding like a herd of buffaloes. I commend you efforts for doing it.
Summer version of the biathalon. One of the challenges a biathalon shooter has is controlling heartrate so as not to interfere with his aim. It takes some serious physical conditioning to do that. Much more than this old guy can do.
Want to trade back yards?
Very nice arrangement you guys have.
Do or could you add some things to hide behind, to practice using cover?
Engage some targets from cover and some while running between cover positions, maybe?
How about transitions from rifle to handgun while engaging?
Just a thought (or more).
It looks like there's lots of possibilities with the range facilities that you have.
I'm jealous, fur sure.
We do it pretty much every tuesday and every other sunday. Tuesday has been deemed "tactical tuesday" usually have between 3-6 guys and girls and set up diffrent variations of the run n gun. We only recently started to take video.