{rumor} Arizona has Ruger betrayed you?


New member
this just came across one of my lists
any AZ TFLers know whats up?


Begin rumor.......

For anyone wondering why on Earth we'd want to boycott Ruger,
here's a post from Arizona concerning what Bill Ruger is up to:


Just recently here in AZ we had a bill vetoed by our Governor. The bill
covered two subjects. 1) It banned frivolous lawsuits against firearms
manufacturers, and 2) It would have strengthened the language of the state
pre-emption law, thus removing the ability of anti-gun city councils to
enact gun laws more restrictive than the state's.

Many of us worked very hard to get this bill through the legislature, and
were very upset with Governor Hull when she vetoed it. Especially after we
found out that she was on the board of the Children's Action Alliance, the
primary opponent of the bill from the start. But what the hey, we figured,
the bill passed by veto-proof majorities in both houses of the legislature,
so we figured we'd just push hard for an override vote, and maybe we could
still get it passed.

Ha Ha, silly us. Governor Hull paid a visit to the legislature, and swore
that she would veto every piece of legislation she saw from then on if they
overrode her veto of the bill. She claimed that she didn't care about the
lawsuit part, but she was determined that the pre-emption section would not

Even then, we might have still had a chance. Legislators don't like to be
threatened, after all. But then, Bill Ruger stepped up to the plate. For
those of you who don't already know it, Ruger has a plant here in AZ,
employs many voters, and contributes mucho dinero to local politics. He
convinced many of our so-called "pro-gun" legislators to split the bill
into two parts and pass it again. This way Hull could veto the pre-emption
bill and screw all us regular Joes, while she let the lawsuit bill slide,
and thus covered Bill Ruger's elitist rear end.

So let it be written, so let it be done ...
As of now, the pre-emption bill is a dead issue. The city of Tucson, now
that the road has been cleared, is implementing, amongst other things, a
plan to ban any firearms on public roads. They plan to use the state CCW
records as prima facie evidence to search the vehicles of CCW holders,
presuming that they will be in violation of the ban. Several other cities
are buzzing about banning guns in public places, etc. In short, Arizona,
one of the last bastions of free America, is about to join the ranks of the
slave states. Thank you Jane Dee Hull. And a very special thanks to Bill
Ruger, who screwed the rest of us but kept his own feet out of the fire.

The lawsuit bill, while not yet signed by the Gov., will become law
nevertheless in the next day or so.

For several reasons, I have never purchased, fired, or even handled a Ruger
firearm, not the least of which is his support of the AWB mentioned here
earlier. But now, as far as I'm concerned, any Ruger I come across will be
melted down on sight. The remains will be used to build a monument to late,
great American gun owner.

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited January 21, 2000).]
Dz or whoever--I'll wait for more conformation on that. Bill senior in not in good shape. I find it hard to believe this thread, but I'll just wait and see. No flame intended, but I hear too many different lines.

From my cold dead hands.
What is your source? Just curious, how do you feel about colts owner and his friendliness toward (I believe) Senator? Schumer. I had read something about colt helping out the antis back in DC on a threade here.
Why doesn't the legislature go ahead and overide the veto and then impeach her if she starts vetoing bills right and left.
This happened last April. The preemption bill actually went to the gov right around the Columbine tragedy.

My understanding was that Ruger was active in splitting the lawsuit prevention from the preemption language.
