Rules on shipping Black powder handgun to CA?


New member
I recently sold a black powder handgun on Gunbroker to an individual in CA. I haven't been able to find any restrictions on shipping (such as the requirement to ship to an FFL dealer). However, I thought I would ask for more information from those of with more legal understanding on black powder regulations.

Also, what do I tell the USPS when shipping this colt dragoon to the buyer? Do I mention that it is not a true firearm? Thanks for your help.
No regs against shipping cap and ball style guns to CA. I live in California and I have received quite a few by both USPS and UPS. I have also sold a few and mailed them with USPS. When asked, I told them the contents were an "antique" which is true as it was a copy of an antique 1858 Remington.
If I am Right their is a law about a list of guns you can't ship to California. You have to submit a list you want to ship to the state. Many of the stores on gun broker will ship, but a lot private party people won't. You will find people on gun broker talk about this law, they say to tell the law makers to change the law. What can say it's California! I just bought a fake peace maker they sent my a pice of wood with the gun. They said to send a fake gun to California and Kansas you have to send you have to send a piece of wood to mont it on.