Rules for Trap & Skeet?


New member
Anyone know of a website that lists the specific rules for trap/skeet shooting? There aren't any clubs around my area, so I shoot at a gravel pit and my equipment is limited to an old Trius trap thrower and a couple boxes of Remington orange dome clay pigeons. Basically, you could say that my range sessions are nothing more than "plinking." Therefore, I would be very interested in learning the actual rules for involvement in sporting clays. A few questions off the top of my head: "what position does the shotgun need to be held when I yell pull? (ie can I already have it shouldered?) Also, I assume that the shooter isn't supposed to know the flight of the target, correct? (Loading the trap myself, I already know if the clay pigeon is going left, right, or down the middle). Thanks for any help you all can provide.
i'm a member if NSSA (National skeet shooting Assn) and they have a not too thick rule book...they are in San antonio TX plus have a web site and i'm sure they would send you a rule book if you request answer your question about mounted gun---American Skeet allows a mounted gun--international skeet does not----sporting clays does not allow would be tough to duplicate skeet with a ground mounted thrower but throw them any way you can and keep shootin....Dick
What is the primary difference between trap and skeet? I've been under the impression that in trap the target is thrown away from the shooter, whereas skeet involves the target being thrown from one side to the other (of course, that impression could be totally wrong). I'd appreciate any clarification you all can provide.
rules ?

Dude, rules are meant to be broken ;) What turned me off from the formal shooting games is the rules.I am a birdhunter and when I step on the skeet field I try to shoot it like it was invented as pratice for grouse hunters.I shoot low gun ,just like Mr Foster started the game.If you want to get into the games ,then by all means try a google search I think all 3 have their own web pages.
But if you just what to be a wingshot then keep doing what your doing this type of practice is more vaulable than you know.
Huntsman, you got it right, mostly....

Much as I like trap, I've had oodles of fun in a pasture on Sunday afternoons with field guns, whatever shells we had on hand, and a hand trap with a box of White Flyers. And, shooting that low gun is great practice for field shooting.

The formal clay games are great practice also, for various kinds of shooting and for variety, meaning do not just shoot trap or SCs or skeet. Do them all, shoot low gun frequently and have fun getting better. The best thing about the formal games is it's easy to measure progress because conditions and equipment are consistent. Any improvement in your scores are due to you....
A group of gentlemen I know have grouped together to form their own Sporting Clays club. They each have a trap machine and at each shoot each member brings a box of clays. They throw in a couple of bucks for specialty targets purchased by the group.

They set up their own course on land they have permission to shoot on. I was invited once to shoot with them and I had a great time. They are informal and throw some great targets. Everybody takes a turn at trapping. Unfortunately they limit the size of the group or I would be with them every weekend.

This is an economical way to shoot. With Sporting Clays costing $30+ per round and courses becoming crowded, it is a great way to shoot.

If I ever get off this godforsaken island (Long Island PRNY) and move to civilization I hope to be able to set up a group like this.

Formalized clay shooting gets pricey. Shooting with your buddies without having to worry about range owners and other BS is great.

As to the formalized rules for each game, get Jerry Meyers book "The Clay Target Handbook" It is worth the money.

Geoff Ross