Ruger's voice of the customer survey


I completed the survey.

I chose muzzleloader, Mini-14 in other calibers and .22Mag Semi-auto handgun but in the comments box for the second to last question I specified that I want a SMOKELESS muzzleloader, a Mini-14 in more VARMINT calibers like .204Ruger and a semi-auto handgun in 17HMR rather than .22Mag or even better convertible between the two.:D
thanks for the link, I completed the survey. I chose both a .22mag semiauto rifle and pistol; I already have a Ruger .22mag LCR. Also chose a .45 striker fired pistol. I love the .22mag round; tho they're hard to find now, I have a supply for range use for both my LCR and NAA Pug.

Ruger makes great products; I've never had a lemon from them.
9 mm 1911
Semi auto 357/44 rifle
Semi auto 22 mag rifle

I would be fine with them bringing back the 10/22 in 22 mag
Same mag fits in the 77/22 in 22 mag...
Mid size lcr another sr1911 variant perhaps a modern tactical one like the newer colt m45a1 and a semi auto rifle in 357 or 44 mag..does such a thing even exist yet??id love to have a carbine in 357 magnum talk about a light weight carbine that would pack a heck of a punch
I also recommended a lcr in stainless..maybe defeats the purpose of its lightweight but still think it would appeal to some
My thanks, also, for the link.

I own several Rugers and am impressed with the quality.

I checked the ".22magnum auto handgun". I once owned a .22mag auto (I believe it was a Tanfoglio, but it was a long time ago). I traded it away because it had some reliability issues, but it was a hoot to shoot.

I also liked the "what may be causing the increase in firearms sales" question.

I couldn't resist:

"Ongoing pressure from the gun-control lobby is keeping the issue of 2a rights and firearm ownership before the average American and, frequently, frightening many into making purchases NOW instead of later."

9mm LCR
Mini-14 that uses AR mags
Mini-30 using AK mags
SP101 or LCR in 327 MAG.
You know, all those things people have been scratching their head over the lack of for years.

Oh wait, none of those were options.
I took my old Ruger carbine .44 magnum to the gunsmith today to replace the front sight. He said it was a really cool gun, I have to agree. If there's such a thing as a .44 magnum plinker that is it. Obviously in the survey I said I would like to see a traditional semi-auto rifle in .357 or .44. :)
Why wasn't there a question about bringing back the PC-9?

Wow yes yes and yes again I didn't even think of that..I'd love the pc9 to come back.then I'd have a nice partner for my p95 to share magazines with..I have a feeling if they did another pc9 style rifle though it would probably be updated to take the sr9 mags instead of the p series ones
I took the survey. Went with pump shotgun, lever action rifle and compact, striker-fired .45, if I recall correctly (no guarantees on that, though).
My main thought was to the question of why you bought, liked ,etc.

I said it was the change away from old man Bill's antipathy to self-defense oriented guns and support of mag bans, etc. The new orientation enabled me to consider them again.

I went for the 22 mag semi.
I'd have taken their survey if they asked would I want a choice in getting their guns without a built in lock... but they didn't.