Rugers in ICore competition


New member
I Just had a question about shooting in one of the ICore competitions. Does anyone ever shoot in these competitions with a Ruger GP 100 or Redhawk? I thought maybe they were just for Smith & Wesson.

I don't know for sure about ICORE, but doubt they are strictly S&W parties.

Massad Ayoob shot the IDPA Nationals with a GP100.

Shoot what you have before spending a lot of money on specialized gear.
It only seems like it's a Smith and Wesson game, it is open to all.

Firearms manufactured by different companies have different pro's and cons.
[IMHO they are all excellent, just different priorites]

The Smiths have a reputation for their triggers and the work that can be done on them. Hense they tend to rule amoungst the target crowd.

The Rugers are very strong pistols, but in competiton no one much cares about this. The Triggers have a reputation for being not as easy to work on.

Oh and another thing, Shooting competitions of all kinds have many 'fashion' victims, also over time you see certain guns or alterations being fashionable for a while and then not.

[One of my favourate sports, IPSC is one of the worst for fashion, you can look at a competitors gun and rig and be able to guess to reasonable accuracy when they bought it (sometimes down to the exact year)]
"...a reputation for being not as easy to work on..." Nonsense. The trigger job on a GP100 is no big deal. Polish all the mating surfaces(note that it's polish only) and change the springs. (Wolff Springs.
Minimally, polish the SS internal parts and clip the mainspring a 1/4 turn. This does squat for the DA trigger pull though. You'll have to change the springs for that.
Out of the box Smith triggers are like 5 miles of bad road. The same as any other BNIB revolver.
Young Kiwi is right about IPSC trends. He went and bought a Bul M5 1911 and CR Speed rig after trying mine. :P

With ICORE, it's mainly a S&W game, partly because the matchs trend to be sponsored by S&W, partly because there are many gunsmiths who can make a S&W trigger light and smooth.

If you have a Ruger, try that out before buying anything else. If you have to buy, attend a match as a spectator and see if you can have a shoot of a few competitiors guns. This will give you a better idea of what you want than asking on a forum.

FWIW, I shoot an unmodified S&W four inch model 66 made in 1971 in ICORE. Not the most competitive gun, but I have fun.
I did choose my words carefully, "...a reputation for being not as easy to work on..." it's reputation, not always fact, but that's normally enough, people don't like facts get in the way of a good story. :)

I'd like to say, I don't always copy, one of my favourate guns for ICORE is an ex-Massachusetts State Police, Smith and Wesson Model 65 with a 4" barrel. (see I don't copy it's a 65 not a 66 :) )
My more competitive gun is a Smith and Wesson Model 14 (untouched from the factory)

Any not to divert too far from the threat topic, If you have a Ruger and like it, shoot it, you'll be fine, they are an excellent firearm.
Rugers in ICORE

I'd love to see more Rugers in ICORE, more Taurus revolvers too but Ruger doesn't make an 8 shot yet and the Taurus doesn't seem to hld up to competition shooting.

Since ICORE allows you to shoot in the 6 shot special recognition category the Ruger is great for it. Finding the right speedloaders may be a problem but I am not sure since I don't shoot a Ruger anymore. To place in either the Open or Limited Division it really helps to have the 8 shot revolver.

Although all stages are 6 shot neutral the extra two shots give you a little lee way if you miss the steel or want to have a fast makeup on paper without having to reload.
only a matter of time; I take forever...

I use four of my five Redhawks (and two GP100s) in USPSA; no ICORE around here.

ICORE has very recently come to our locale with our local range becoming an ICORE club. I shot the second match that was held and had a great time. I became a plank owner in our club and am looking forward to participating often. I'm sure that if I stick with it long enough I'll be dusting off a Ruger .357 or two and giving them a whirl during a match. I got'em, I may as well shoot 'em!
I have only seen one GP100 in the ICORE matches in California, but no one is going to bug you about choice of revolver. The ICORE people are the cream of the crop when it comes to being real down to earth people.

Other than the fact that S&W provides incredibly lush support for the prize table, I don't know why S&Ws are the favorite. Maybe the final trigger action? S&Ws with a full competition job feel awesome with a trigger pull that has to be experienced to believe. I have not tried a Ruger with full competition job so cannot personally compare.

If you are really interested in going the full route, TK Custom ( or has moonclips for the GP100 and a couple of others and Clark Custom (the Jerry's in-laws) will do the conversion.