Ruger single six


New member
So over the summer a buddy of mine let me shoot his single six convert. Loved shooting it in both calibers. I decided to get one. Started off looking for used but none were to be had locally and I didnt feel like dealing with gunbroker so I decided to just get a new one. Well a new one was hard to find in stock so I ordered one last week. The distributor is in NC and my Ruger got lost with hurricane Flo. I get a call today and it finally arrived. Excited I head to the LGS. When I inspected the gun I noticed the front sight was missing. Maybe its in the box, no such luck. The clerk was like WTH.The owner to his credit immediately calls Ruger and a sight is on its way next day air. I guess my pistol was made on a Monday. How do you miss a front sight? I hope everything else is ok. I pick it up this Friday(Lots of stupid paperwork in NY) Just wow. I had to share and vent.
Thats a gun you are going to enjoy for a long time. I have two right now and have owned a couple of others in the past. I have my grandfathers gun made in 1961 and a new model made just a few years ago. And I like both calibers and really like the 22 mag round.

Pictures when you get it please. And I hope the front sight is the only problem you have with it. What barrel length did you get?
Makes me wonder if Ruger's inspectors have their vision checked. It's one thing to test the mechanical reliability of a firearm, but to miss a front sight?
Great gun I had one for thirty some years before like a d@mn fool I sold it!:o

As for the front sight.............some fifty years ago I had a cousin that was a gunsmith.....he sold a rifle made by Ruger to a customer.
Customer came back with the rifle and said it wouldn't hit anything.
Gunsmith cousin check the gun rifling in the barrel, nothing but a straight tube!:confused:

Rifle was Ruger .44 mag deer-slayer as I recall and the bore was as smooth as my old Wingmaster.
Just never have figured out how a Ruger or any company could send out a barrel without the rifling in it??:D

*Ruger wanted the gun back badly but the owner said no, he kept it.
I beleave he did get his money back thought???
I hope you ordered the one with the adjustable sight. Used to be called the Super Single Six, not sure if it still is today.

doesn't matter much to some people, but I have always wanted adjustable sights on my .22s (and nearly everything else when I can get it) even if I never do adjust them. The thing is that while they should, you can't count on each different brand (or sometimes even batch) of ammo to shoot to the same point of aim.

I've had a Super Single Six convertible since the mid 80s. Points well for me, shoots well, too. I hardly ever use the magnum cylinder, for me .22WMR just costs too much, for what it does. Not that it isn't a potent round in it class, but when I need more than a .22LR I go to a centerfire, which with my reloads costs less than the .22 WMR.

Your situation could easily be different.

I think they're great guns, and if there's anything (else) that is wrong, Ruger will take care of it.
I sold a Ruger Mini-14, stainless steel when they were first out. Customer brought it back complaining about the bore. It was readily visable they were
terrible. Looked like steps and rings in it. That's only bad gun I got from Ruger.
I bought two Rem Mountain Rifles in 280. They had really nice stocks and blue
job. The muzzels looked like they had been cut off with a torch. They were polished and blued flawlessly. How does stuff like that make it out of the factory?
I've had a Super Single Six convertible since the mid 80s. Points well for me, shoots well, too. I hardly ever use the magnum cylinder, for me .22WMR just costs too much, for what it does. Not that it isn't a potent round in it class, but when I need more than a .22LR I go to a centerfire, which with my reloads costs less than the .22 WMR.

That's a good point, 44AMP. If it wasn't for certain hunting regulations calling for rimfire, I would pick the .32 S&W long over the .22 magnum for hunting. But with the regulations in Georgia being what they are, I do get some use out of the .22 magnum cylinder.
I got the 5.5 in blue model with adj sights. The finish on the gun was outstanding. A very deep blue. This is my range toy since I don't hunt and don't have pest issues(I would go to jail if I shot the raccoon who keeps getting into my garbage pails.Squirrels have a long life here as well. Hell the only thing I can do is throw rocks at them) This is probably one of the most relaxing guns to shoot. First you only have six shots so you have to make them count and reloading takes time. Alot of fun to plink with. Hopefully mine is as accurate as my friends. The 22 mag option makes it a bit more interesting. Will shoot those on occasion. I will give a range report when I get it.
(I would go to jail if I shot the raccoon who keeps getting into my garbage pails.Squirrels have a long life here as well. Hell the only thing I can do is throw rocks at them)

You need to check your local laws and regulations carefully. Sometimes shooting the varmints is against the rules, but sometimes, only if you do it with a firearm. (discharging a firearm with city limits -etc.)

SO, sometimes, an air gun /pellet gun is legal to use to drive off the pests. Even an ordinary BB gun stings a LOT, and critters like raccoons DO learn to avoid places where they get a BB in the butt time after time. :)

Although there is also the possibility that they just learn to avoid YOU...they are sneaky masked bandits, who only LOOK cute, until they steal your minivan and take it out for pizza....:rolleyes:

Unfortunately bb guns of every type and even sling shots are a no no. What they want you to do is to trap them and then release them somewhere else. Of course there's a service for that($) A friend of mine was dispatching(air rifle) some squirrels that were damaging his house. One of his neighbors called the police and thats what they told him to do. They didnt give him ticket or arrest him. He considered himself lucky. The crazy part is its on his property. My local raccoon loves my homemade spaghetti and meatballs.
libiglou said:
Unfortunately bb guns of every type and even sling shots are a no no. What they want you to do is to trap them and then release them somewhere else. Of course there's a service for that($) A friend of mine was dispatching(air rifle) some squirrels that were damaging his house. One of his neighbors called the police and thats what they told him to do. They didnt give him ticket or arrest him. He considered himself lucky. The crazy part is its on his property.
Check your local laws. What is described and suggested in the post I quoted above is absolutely illegal in my state, for two reasons. First, to trap nuisance animals you have to be licensed with the state as a pest control specialist. Second, trapping and releasing elsewhere is expressly NOT allowed, because if the animal has any contagious diseases, they don't want the disease(s) introduced into another population. The trappers are required to destroy any pests they trap. This is usually done by shooting them with a .22 handgun.
I've owned three Single Sixes: two 22's and a 32. They're great revolvers.

Coincidentally, the 5.5" 22lr/22mag with adjustable sights was my very first handgun. It trained me well. :)
well I finally got the sight issue taken care of. Ruger sent my LGS the sight but did not include a screw. Luckily the clerk took care care of me and removed it from a ruger he had in stock so I was in business. Cleaned it up last night and took it to the range this morning. I didnt get a chance to sight it and it was def off but it was a blast to shoot spinning targets(the few that I hit) Balances so well and the stock grips fit my hand pretty good. The sights might get replaced since black on black is getting harder see as I approach middle age. Hopefully I can get back to the range this week and sight her in with paper targets. Def a fun gun.
The sights might get replaced since black on black is getting harder see as I approach middle age.

I understand perfectly. But no need to replace the sight, just go to the hobby shop and get some paint. Red, white, orange, fluorescent green, what ever floats your boat.

De-grease the sight (remove all oil with a solvent) then apply the paint. It lasts a long time, and its simple to touch up.

Fingernail polish will work too, just buy your own, don't take the wife's, they are rather unreasonable about that, sometimes...;)
Rifle was Ruger .44 mag deer-slayer as I recall and the bore was as smooth as my old Wingmaster.
Just never have figured out how a Ruger or any company could send out a barrel without the rifling in it??

B.Thomas....That would be an interesting rifle to have, especially if you were loading .44 shot shells in it. I think I would have kept that one.
My wife's 3-screw Single Six Convertible, purchased new in '73 was stolen several years ago by a bunch of Cincinnati drugie dirtbags and never recovered. With either cylinder, it would put 'em all in less than 1-1/2" at 25 yds with good ammunition. Long gone and severely missed, I assure you.

Son #2 and I replaced it with a new model convertible that's an inch or so shorter (4-5/8" bbl) and that too, is a 'keeper' with nearly as good accuracy as the earlier gun.

I predict you'll love yours too, once you get it straightened out. Ruger is pretty good about making it right, and I have no doubt they'll do the same for you. Hang in there, the gun's worth it.

As a trail gun, it has it about right in all regards. I own a .32 H&R SS, with the 5-1/2" bbl. that's a tack driver too, but do wish for the easier to pack, shorter barrel.

Good luck with your gun, Rod

I'm going try and paint the front sight. It worked reasonable well on my makarov since replacement sights were out of the question. The only problem there was the front sight was real thin and still kinda hard to see. The ruger has more meat so it might work better. I'm going to do a breakin period before I do anything. Just to see what I like and dont like.I was so tempted to take her to the range today but family obligations and football killed that.