Ruger Single Six in .32 H&R Magnum


Fondeled a new Single Six in .32 H&R Mag yesterday. Had a nicely case hardened frame and faux ivory grips. Didn't try the trigger, but overall the fit and finish was really nice. Has anyone bought one of these beauties yet? And if so, what kind of accuracy and velocities with .32 H&R Magnum? Think I am going to have to add of these babies to the stable.
Could you rechamber the cylinder?

Possible reasons for the 23 H&R Mag Single Six

1) Ruger likes that cartridge.

2) Maybe the 32-20 has more pressure?

3) The 32-30 is slightly longer than the H&R, maybe it's too long for the Single Six cylinder? So far as I understand, that's why H&R invented the 32Mag, so they could use the same frame as their 38Spl revolver.

If reasons 2 or 3 are right, you're probably stuck with the 32Mag, however, if reason #1 is right, you should be able to get the cylinder rechambered for $50-100 or so by a custom revolversmith (check for links to customizers)

Anyone know if reasons #2 or #3 hold true, or do we have to write to Ruger to ask?

I heard of a smith that used to build 41Spl (a shortened 41Mag) revolvers on a Single Six frame. I'd imagine having a centerfire single six frame to adapt would make his work much easier and cheaper than trying to move the firing pin from rimfire position.
Another possibility is....

.32-20 cases are rather fragile. I rather like the round but loose a few cases every reloading.

Hopefully the .32 H&R Magnum has a "healthier" case. Especially mouth.
Ruger did make a run of convertible .32 H&R Magnum/.32 WCF several years back, but they were on the Blackhawk frame. I would guess the .32 WCF is too long for the Single Six frame.
What we need here is a man with a 32 H&R Single Six, a ruler, and a copy of Cartridges of the World.

The question before us: would a 32-20 fit into a Single Six cylinder?
Would you guys let the old cartridge rest in peace?
It's dead!

32 H&R Mag is todays cartridge. Let's give it some support!
Not to mention that a 32H&R Magnum cylinder allows you to shoot 32S&W and 32S&W long without swapping cylinders.
The 32/20 is too long for Ruger's Single Six cylinder, so you won't get one from Ruger. Several of the real custom revolver smiths (Bowen, Linebaugh etc.) CAN open up the cylinder window in the frame slightly and fit a new, slightly longer cylinder that will fit a 32/20. It's not cheap to do, but can be done.
Rechambering other 32 magnum revolvers (like a S&W model 16-4) can run into other problems - the mouth of the 32 Mag is larger than the mouth of the 32/20 (heavier case walls in the 32 Mag). If the 32 Mag chamber was a little loose to start with, then you end up with a noticable second "shoulder" when you re-chamber to 32/20 - right where the original 32 Mag chamber ended.

I saw a Ruger Bearcat opened up to 32 Magnum recently that was done by Linebaugh, don't know if it will be a "standard" item for him, but it sure was pretty.
Lotta good info. Looking in some of the reloading manuals, I see you can push a 100 gr jacketed bullet at 1100 fps or an 85 gr bullet to around 1250 fps in the .32 H&R Mag. Light, but respectable. Not sure what the caliber is really good for, but it sure oughta be fun shooting golf balls, full cans of soda, or oreo cookies using the Ruger Single Six. I'm going back to the gun store this weekend and hope he still has the one I looked at last weekend.

Had a couple of 32-20's and they are a pain to load. Sure was a good ferile cat anchorer, though. Sold both rifles and wish I had kept them.