Ruger Single Six cylinders


New member
I recently bought a "three screw" Ruger Single Six with only the .22lr cylinder and I want to buy a .22wmr cylinder for it. The problem is, how do you tell a "New Model" cylinder from an "Old Model"? Is there any difference at all?
If anyone can help, I know you guys will come through. thanks.
Your best bet might be to contact Ruger directly. I have a "three screw" Single Six bought new in the '70's. If you don't already know, the major difference is that the new model Ruger uses a transfer bar system which keeps the hammer away from the firing pin when the hammer is at rest. With the old style, it was apparently possible for the hammer to set off a chambered round unintentionally. For that reason it was recommended to load only five rounds, and keep the hammer down on the empty. My understanding is that no other major parts were changed, but there might be just some normal production changes to later cylinders. Hopefully someone else on the board may know for sure, or as mentioned earlier, contact Ruger directly and ask them. They do have a web site, but I can't remember the address. You can email them from the web site. Hope that helps some.

Regards - AZFred
It would seem that I don't need the .22wmr cylinder after all. I purchased this pistol sight unseen through an internet auction and had yet to fire it until yesterday. Well, it appears that I already have a .22wmr. Yes,.22lr rounds do sound funny when fired in a magnum chamber, they also tend to bulge and split the casings.
Goes to show that items through the internet are not always "As Advertised". Now if anyone happens to have a .22lr cylinder for sale...
Call Ruger. The cylinders are scarce because (at least at one time) Ruger would not sell cylinders, because they need individual fitting. If you do get one, make sure that it not only goes in and fires but locks up properly and has the proper barrel-cylinder gap. In other words, don't buy a cylinder sight unseen without being able to try it first. (And don't modify the gun trying to make the cylinder work! That gets expensive.)
Thanks for the info, but I can't have Ruger fit me a cylinder. This particular pistol is a "Three Screw" with the old lockwork and if I were to send it in, Ruger would automatically fit it with the safety retrofit. I'd like to keep this one as issued, so I must again rely upon the kindness of strangers.
I'm thinking of just leaving this one in .22wmr as I seem to have plenty of 22lr pistols at the moment.
Well, I just sent the "Single-Six" off to Ruger. It would seem that my advisors were right. Ruger doesn't change the pistol to add the transfer bar other than to replace a few parts, and the beauty of it is that they send you the old parts back so you may return the pistol to its original condition if so inclined.
The cylinder issue is rather strange, Ruger can only fit a new cylinder if the S/N is over 150,000. luckily mine is. So I'm getting a new .22lr cylinder fitted and while they have the revolver, I've asked them to reblue as well. They only charge $35 for the reblue and the cylinder fitting is forty-something.
Thanks to all for the good advice.
I think you have taken the best approach. You can easily get used to the new trigger. Even though it is not "traditional", it is a whole lot safer. If you ever sell the gun or (hopefully not for a long time) it becomes part of your estate, you won't have to worry about an accident to some f--l who doesn't know how to handle a single action.
Well, you can see by the previous dates that I've brought this thread from way in the deep dark dungeon. Reason being I just got my Single-Six back from Ruger two days ago. I guess in the grand scheme of things just over two months is not that long, But I was going nuts waiting for that brown truck to actually stop at my door.

I had Ruger fit me up a .22lr cylinder, do the safety upgrade, and reblue the whole deal. Cost me $78.50 believe it or not. well, the pistol is looking very nice indeed compared to what I sent out, they could have done a little better at polishing out a few dings, but for the price I'm quite impressed. I took her to the range today and ran 250 rounds 22lr & mag through the old girl. Shoots about an inch high at 25yds with the rear sight all the way down. I guess that's ok. The trigger is without a doubt the worst I have ever felt. Something is gonna get done to this before I shoot it again. I expected the trigger to be worse when it came back, but the tip of my finger is real sore right now if that tells you anything. On the plus side, the triggers on the other five pistols I had with me feel like a million bucks now.

In short, the Single-Six Looks a whole lot better than it did, but shoots pretty hard. The trigger will get fixed, and then it will be an all around great little shooter. I'd say well worth the silly little price. BTW, S&W charges $150.00 just to do the re-finish. Hats off to Ruger!
