Ruger Security Six


New member
In terms of strength of frame, size, etc., would is a security six comparable to a GP100, sp101, or a redhawk 357?
I have all three types and I report no distinction in model strength. And as much as I despise Bill Ruger, all are fine weapons if a little chunky. Ayoob turned me on to the Police Security Six--great gun. You should be just fine with the Security Six (it's flatter for carry).

While I have worn S&W revolvers out by breaking and jamming stuff, the Rugers just keep on shooting (and working).
Speed six would be between the 101 and GP-100, more towards the GP side.

The Six is comparable to the K-frame Smith and Wesson. SW found the K-frame could not hold up to a heavy diet of full house 357's so they introduced the L frame. Ruger felt the same thing with the Six so they introduced the GP series, except they regrettably dropped the Six completely. The Red Hawk is a bigger and stronger frame than all the above. If your not into "mad scientist" load experiments, it's not really needed for a 357.

Regards, Blueduck
KSFreeman "I have all three types and I report no distinction in model strength."

You don't see a distiction between a SP101 and a Redhawk? Time for some new glasses son! All 4 models, SP101, Security Six, GP100, Redhawk easily handle factory 357 loads and will do so until your hand gives out, but the Redhawk is clearly head and shoulders above the others in terms of raw strength.

Blue Duck357 hit the nail on the head with his description of the differences (including the regret that the stopped making the Security Six when they came out with the GP100).

Had three or four SS's, have two GP's now, and one 7.5" Redhawk.

If you want to make .357" bullets go fast (I mean really really fast) then you choose Redhawk or Freedom Arms; only difference is FA still makes theirs.

GP is still one big strong gun; mine have taken a lickin....blah blah blah....
sp101 - strongest 5 shot snubby: a bit big IMO
security/service/speed-six - six-shot, k-frame size, stronger but compact enough to CCW
gp100 - six-shot, l-frame/python size, duty gun for steady diet of magnum loads (qualification/practice/carry); too big for me to CCW other than in shoulder holster
redhawk - six-shot maximum loads for anything the .357 will take

i think the security-six might be the perfect duty gun, i prefer the python, but i'm strange...